It's finally been proven, and there's nothing we can do about it but graciously acceptdefeat. A report titled "WomenAre Bad Drivers – Fact Or Fiction?" was just released by internet insuranceprovider The study compares traffic violation, accident andinsurance price statistics between men and women, and points out that some 80% of allfatal and serious car crashes are caused by male drivers. Our search to provecorrect the long-standing notion that women are bad drivers seems to have ended, folks.And it's not looking good for us. The study even says women are 27% less likelythan men to cause auto accidents. Yup, be it reckless driving, failure toyield, seat belt violations or speeding, men are always cited at a much higher ratio. Whenit comes to the more serious violations of driving under the influence and driving whileintoxicated, male drivers still out number females at a 3.08 to 1 ratio. Continue Reading ]More...[/url]