OK BRO....I'm gonna give you my secert...If I can't get them like this anymore I'll be pissed.

Sam's Club.....Boneless skinless Chicken breasts sell for usually 1.79-2.00/lb. Now if you look at the date on the package, they should all have the same date or so since they get the shippment in at the same time. But any way....at 11am the day before the "sell buy" date, the butcher has to take them in the back and mark them down......50%........I'm not shittin you, it's the truth! SO... at 10:45 you go and grab EVERY package left in the cooler and put them in your cart. At 11am go up to the butcher and have him repack and mark them at 50% off. CHICKEN BREASTS-ave $... .90/lb.

Your Welcome...