Over the years Fuzo has stepped up when we have been in emergency sitautions out in public. He missed his calling and would have made an excellent firefighter/paramedic.

Yesterday we were eating lunch at a restaurant and a woman got hysterical and yelled "we need an ambulance". There was a woman and a old man sitting near us having lunch. The man could not breath, Fuzo said his eyes were rolling and he was going down. Fuzo got up and went over to the table and took over. He told the waiter to grab the guys legs and Fuzo grabbed him under his arms. He gently laid him on the floor and unbuttoned his shirt so they could see that he was still breathing. Fuzo continued to talk to him and also told everyone else to stop talking at once. The man lost his bodily functions and Fuzo grabbed a towel an put it over the man so noone else would see. Fuzo remained very calm until the paramedics arrived. The man's daughter held onto Fuzo's hand and was very grateful to him. The paramedics arrived and by the time they left, the man seemed more alert. The daughter came over and gave Fuzo a great big hug and we gave her our number so she could let us know how her dad was. She called last night and said they were still doing tests but her Dad's heart enzymes were very high and possible indicated a heart attack.

Anyway, I sat there crying as it was pretty emotional and I felt bad for the daughter, but I also was very proud to see Fuzo, once again, step in and help in a situation!!!