This week, Doc Love, author of "TheSystem," deciphers the signals of a reader's loveinterest.Hey Doc,I feel like I’m about to go insane.I met Jennifer three years ago, and she fell crazily in love with me. She ditchedher friends to be with me. Her Interest Level was well above 90%. She would dress toimpress me and would travel a long distance to pick me up for dates. She was all aboutmarriage and was gaga about our relationship. Except for little fights once in a while, wecontinued to have a wonderful and exciting relationship.Then Jennifer got ajob and moved to another city. There she became part of an all-boys group and would hangout with them all the time. These guys pampered Jennifer, running errands for her and thelike. A few of them fell for her, but she told them that she had aboyfriend. However, Jennifer found herself feeling affectionate toward one of theguys. When she told him that she couldn’t get involved with him because of me, hewent crazy, got drunk and freaked out. This seems to have totally changed Jennifer. Eventhough she says she loves me and wants to be with me, the romance in our relationshipseems to have gone missing. She’s no longer eager to talk to me. When I confrontedher over this, she said that she broke our trust by flirting with this other guy, and inaddition feels guilty for ruining his life.A month ago Jennifer got re-postedto the city where I live. I hoped that getting back together would help our relationship.While we talk and date at least once a week, the chemistry we once shared is missing. Whathas me confused is that when I tell her I want to break up, Jennifer says she loves me andwants to be with me. When I try to be supportive, she is absent and disinterested.I am so confused, Doc. Does this girl love me? I love her and want thisrelationship to work. Please coach me!Timofey - whose head isspinningHi Timofey,You say you are about to go insane.When you are not in control of what’s happening, it means that you are notfollowing "TheSystem." My friend, your first order of business should be toget my book and memorize it ASAP so you don’t go insane. It’s clear that youdo not have the proper training when it comes to women, and the sooner you obtain it, thesooner you’ll restore your sanity.When you say that Jennifer traveledlong distances to pick you up for dates, it tells me that you had a long-distancerelationship, which is a no-no. So this was your first big problem. Then you reportthat you had all these “little fights.” Women don’t like little fights.They don’t like fighting at all, because fighting is a turnoff. Fighting lowersInterest level. How often were you having these so-called little fights?Couldn’t you sit down and calmly work things out with Jennifer? Apparently not. Butyou wouldn’t know about how fighting erodes Interest Level because you don’thave my book. Continue Reading ]More...[/url]