History has a peculiar way of repeating itself. Current events worldwide and the sinking global economy have brought about such instability in men’s lives everywhere that there is a new word haunting our thoughts as a desperate but nonetheless essential solution: migration. The severe economic downturn of the 1930s gave birth to what we now commonly call the Great Depression. Who would have thought that our generation would have to deal with more or less the same thing, nearly a century after the decade that devastated countries rich and poor and lasted until the very end of the Second World War? Being in Greece today feels like you are in the center of a knot, a great combination of strings that maintain balance in the whole economic equilibrium of stability. After two election battles, the newly appointed government is not made up of candidates chosen by the majority of the people. Three different political parties, both right and left wing, had to join forces in order to gain control of the parliament and prove to Germany and the rest of the strong EU countries that we can take over and bring stability to millions of insecure and jobless fellow Greeks. All that while our national soccer team was hoping to defeat Germany in the Euro 2012, trying to repeat history like it did back in 2004, when we brought the cup home victoriously. Unfortunately, 10 million Greeks lost hope while they watched Angela Merkel, Germany’s chancellor, make her victory dance when the match ended showing 4-2 Germany. Greece had lost another important battle that could very well symbolize recovery from the terrible economy that threw us into despair. But a soccer victory would only bring short term happiness. Greece’s latest unemployment rates are a whopping 21.7%, the second largest in the European Union, right behind Spain. Homeless people roam the streets, and fear and aggression are out in full force. It is not a surprise that Golden Dawn, the political party that openly favors nationalism and fascism, got 7% of Greek voters on their side, thus gaining a place in parliament. Outside of parliament, more and more news of stabbings of foreigners and immigrants reach our ears, while robberies and murders for a handful of euros hit the first pages of newspapers. Migration feels like our only salvation. It’s not the first time us Greeks had to migrate. It is part of our heritage, coming from ancient times when the Greeks were nautical people who relied on sea commerce. After the Great War, many Greeks immigrated to the States and Canada since those countries were open and building a new workforce. History seems to be repeating itself, with a brand new wave of emigration. Just last year, 23,800 Greeks immigrated to Germany in search of a better future. I am one of them. After five years of working in Athens, I am leaving it all behind and writing “Perth, Australia” on the side of my suitcase. The choice is not uncommon; currently more than 40,000 Greeks are thinking of moving to Australia (or already made it there). We don't care about what we are going to do there, as long as it is a job that gives us sufficient funds to survive. The Australian Embassy has thrown numerous events about job opportunities, and Greeks literally besieged the halls at those events. Getting a work permit outside the EU is difficult, though, and requires an actual invite from the desired country. The other option is spicing up your knowledge with another master's degree. After some applications, samples of my writing and tests, I was accepted to Murdoch University with an international scholarship -- an incentive that made my decision to migrate Down Under much easier. But what did I leave behind? Continue Reading

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