Hey team!!!

As many of you know I recently got my first motorcycle.

I have been on the bike for JUST over 10,000 kilometers in 4 months. Yes I can't get off!!!

I have been CLOSE to death on at least 5 occasions by now, I can recal each one, ALL because of blind car drivers. So I have learnt to keep all 4 eyes ALWAYS open!

to make a long post short, I obviously love speed. I have had NO tickets in 18 years of driving. KNOCK ON WOOD!!!

this past Saturday it was sunny as hell.
I have driven the queensway 1000 times, I know that there are short gaps where it is virtually impossible for a cop to park and get his gun out to time you. You have to be caught speeding by an undercover MOVING car in those gaps.

I had my music on, and I came across one of those 'magical spots" so I open her up to 205k/h
It only took a few seconds....I come out of the magic spot, so I go down to 115k/h I got my fix!!

the next thing I know I see an O.P.P. These bikes are fucking huge!!! I mean they are not only as big as a car, but they are also 1200cc harleys, they can fucking go hard.

the O.P.P patrol the speedways, they own those roads hahahha
the guy comes out of NOWHERE.
I think I am fucked by that point.
In Canada anything 50k over the limit is immediate impound of car for a week. A motorcycle is taken away with a 10K ticket on hand, and if suitable jail time as well.

the cop gets on my ass....WE both drove around 5-7 minutes he did not pull me over. I was thinking that he was sending out my plates to their office for verificatiaon.

So I go on and make an exit as does he. The minute I hit the street, he pulls me right over.

I get off, he asks for my papers.
My hand was shaking like a leaf. I KNEW I was fucked. I am sure he saw my hands shaking, and my voice all borken down.

Long story short, he was pulling me over because I failed to signal while doing a lane change. WTF!!

He simply handed me my papers and said that he was not giving me a ticket. It would have been 80.00 he said.
WE THEN started talking about my bike......


So this week, she is parked until the weekend. I need to ground myself. TOO CLOSE of a call.