We often interview people who've had great success in business, entertainment, fashion and sports. We like to know about their lives, their interests, what inspires them. In some cases, their examples serve as cautionary tales (see: Lenny Dykstra). In most others, we learn something from them that may help us better achieve in our own lives. With the London Olympics around the corner, we decided to connect with Olympians past, present and future to see what we could learn from the most elite athletes on the planet. They told us about how they train, manage mental and physical stress, and what it's like to be a career athlete. What we found is that a strong work ethic and a good attitude go a long way. Read on for the details. You’re only 19! When did you start gymnastics? John Orozco (JO): I started gymnastics when I was 8 years old. My dad got me into it. He used to work for the Department of Sanitation. He found some fliers in the street for free gymnastics trial lessons, and he brought it home. I was doing martial arts at the time and he figured I’d expand my variety of sports. The next day I went in and just loved it. I loved being in the gym and thought it was really cool, so I stuck with it. You know, in the Bronx, it’s not very popular to be a gymnast, but [I] didn’t really care if I was popular or not -- I just wanted to do what I loved. Was there resistance from the people around you about the path you chose? JO: All the things I went through as a kid in terms of bullying and teasing about the way I was or what I wanted to do or what I liked, it’s all relative to what any kid has to go through growing up. There’s going to be bullies, people who tease you, people who don’t agree with what you like or what you want to do. It’s just [a] normal thing that teenagers go through. That’s how I saw it. Why am I going to let someone else ruin it for me? I get a lot of support from people in the Bronx who are like me, who like to do different things than the status quo of baseball, basketball or football -- all the normal things people like in the Bronx. I’ve always had a lot of support from my family also. They’ve also been there and they’ll always be there. Tell me about the decision to put off going to college. JO: I haven’t started college yet, but it’s in my plans for the future. I deferred my plans for college to train for the Olympics, especially after my injury -- I tore my Achilles tendon in 2010 -- so I figured I needed all the time I could to make my Olympic dream come true. It was tough. I was getting a lot of offers for full scholarships, but I figured I needed the most time I could have to train without distractions like schoolwork, essays and tests. So I decided to go professional and train at the Olympic Training Center (OTC). Do you feel like you’re missing out on anything a typical 19-year-old gets to do? JO: It’s the sacrifice I make to make my goals and dreams come true. There’s going to be all the time in the world to make friends after I go to the Olympics. That’s how I think of it. Continue Reading

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