This weekend marks my sixth year of marriage to my best friend. I am truly blessed to have a woman who is also a great mother and who loves bodybuilding and supports me in every way. She is tolerant of the $1100 grocery bill last month, the $200/month on supplements and another couple hundred for our special supplements. The big question is, What to plan for our saturday night out without the baby? Obviouosly i want to take her out to dinner and her favorite place is this habachi place about 1 hr away called mount fuji. The downside is that i don't eat 90% of the food there. We went several years back for her birthday and i got the chicken meal and i literally only ate a few coconut shrimp and the chicken. We actually had to stop at mcdonalds on the way home so i could eat because i was starving. I really want to take her and i guess i would just need to somehow eat before we went and then i think i would be alright. The other thing that sucks is I'm just sitting there while all the people around us are eating and it makes me feel like a freak. What do you guys think?