The look of love is definitely in your eyes, and, according to a new study, your eyes can even reveal the object of yourdesire. Researchers from Cornell University tested a group of subjects bymaking them watch porn and found that the subjects' pupils dilate more when they weresexually aroused. One hundred and sixty-five men and 160 women both watched a two-minuteinternet video of a man and a woman masturbating, while having their pupils monitored withan infrared gaze tracker.The results showed that heterosexual men dilated muchmore when watching the female image, gay men responded to the male image and bisexual menreacted strongly to both. But women were slightly different. The heterosexualgroup actually dilated quite a bit while viewing both images, while homosexual women weremore reactive to the female image.Let’s not jump the gun and assume thatjust because someone is attracted to the opposite sex they want to have sex with them.After all, women can appreciate a beautiful woman and men canappreciate a handsome man. Even so, it’s apparent that our pupils don’tlie.The next phase of the study will examine genital reaction and correlatethem with pupil movement. That will give us more insight into who really wants a piece ofwhom. Continue Reading ]More...[/url]