i made a post about me trying to get a new house. well that wouldnt work my wife doesnt make enough to get that house no problem. so i hired a lawyer to help me modify my mortage which is with bank of america. and i am sorry if i hurt anybodies feelings here but they have to be the worst bank out there..

the point of the post did you know how they tell you they might be recording the converstation. well if you tell them you are going to record the converstation they will not talk to you.. did you know that.. doesnt that make you raise an eyebrow? it does me. how can they record me but i cant record them so i have proof of what they said..

well they called tonight and i told the lady to wait while i got my recorder so i could record our converstation and sure enough she told me if i record our converstation that she couldnt talk to me. i told her fine call back when you could...