This article is sponsoredin part by The Chivas Brotherhood. AskMen &The Chivas Brotherhood's Man To Man features are designed to give readers insight into theexperiences and wisdom that have shaped our top writers' passions for their areas ofspecialty. To get access to more insider information as well as exclusive access toinvitation-only events and scotch tastings, Join The Brotherhood Now -- you won't regret it.Iget certain questions a lot, especially at my seminars. One is particularly popular. Ayoung guy in the back of the room will always look at me and say, “David, if youcould time travel like Marty McFly in Back to the Future, knowing what you knownow, what would you have done differently with women when you were18?” I always smile, laugh and say: “If I knew at18 what I know now, I would probably never be able to hang out with 18-year-olds; Iwould be way too advanced. Everybody else wouldn't know what I know and I would be justyears ahead of people. I wouldn’t be able to talk to an 18-year-old girl.”I love this question and think about it a lot. In the moment, I usuallydon’t have much time to add to my response. But now, I’m going to share withyou 10 things that I would have done at 18. Continue Reading ]More...[/url]