Sex Toys For Guys

Hi Doc,What would you say would be a good sex toy for guys? Seems like thereare millions of them out there for women. Any recommendations for us? Thanks.-MikeThe male sex toy market is a drop in the bucket comparedto the female market. Just set foot inside any sex toy shop and you’ll see how muchis offered for couples and women in comparison to men. The market for male sex toys issmaller, so it makes sense. Men are just starting to feel more comfortable with womenusing female products, and it’s going to take time and education to get to the samepoint with male products.It’s time for men to change their views on malesex toys. A guy buying a male sex toy product is simply a way to improve and enhance hissex life. It doesn’t mean you’re lonely, a loser or anything negative, eventhough there can be self-judgment and outside criticism from society with male sex toys.If you consider male sex toys a way to improve or enhance sex or masturbation, thenit’s fair to start thinking about other male sexual-enhancement products in the sameballpark as a traditional male sex toy. Couldn’t lube or porn be a way to improve orenhance sex or masturbation? Could we all be using sexual-enhancement products but notnecessarily toys that run on batteries?The best products out there depend onyour interests. Maybe a prostate massager would be the choice for some, while others wouldprefer nipple clamps. If I had to go with one, I’d go with the Fleshlight.It’s a male masturbation sleeve that looks a lot like a flashlight, hence the name.They have vagina or rectum versions for varying degrees of tightness and differenttextures internally to create unique sensations. They are molded and modeled after popularporn stars, which helps arousal, as men feel a little closer to the starlet of theirchoice. If I were you, I’d go with the vibrating versions for an extra kick. Havesome fun and enjoy them. You can also use a Fleshlight to help learn ejaculatory controlby practicing classic start-stop and peaking techniques as well as mindfulnessmasturbation exercises to improve prematureejaculation.What's The Best Kind Of Foreplay?

My wife and I seem to have a lot of hiccups sexually, and it’s posing problems inour relationship. We have somewhat talked about it and she has said she wants more foreplay, but Idon’t get what she means. I wish she was more specific. How long, what types,where? -AnonymousMost of the time, we don’t think ofcommunication as sexy unless it’s some dirty talk in theheat of the moment. But communication can be the foundation of sex and an incrediblyimportant tool to help increase confidence, lower anxiety and heighten pleasure. How long,what types of foreplay and where she likes foreplay stimulation is really up to her totell you. While a sex educator, article or book can give you some instruction on populartechniques, her body and her desires are unique to her. Continue Reading ]More...[/url]