The Watch Snob is in.Dealing with watch buyers' remorse

After many months of looking around, I decided to buy -- as a present for a milestonebirthday -- a VacheronConstantin Patrimony Contemporaine. Strangely enough, I suffered from buyer’sremorse very quickly after acquiring it. In other words, I am not sure if I did the rightthing. Could you please help me out here?A purchase of a Vacheron isnever wrong. So your buyer’s remorse must be related to some sort of deep-seededguilt you’re experiencing. Did you have to sacrifice your child’s collegesavings or mortgage your house in order to buy it? Did your wife leave you as a result ofsaid purchase? If the answer to any of these questions is “no,” then you didthe right thing. If you are feeling guilty for rewarding yourself for a significantbirthday (aren’t they all significant?), then perish the thought and enjoy your finetimepiece. Now, if you feel that perhaps your $20,000 would have been betterspent on a PatekPhilippe or a Lange, that is debatable, but still doesn’t make your Vacheronpurchase wrong. From an investment standpoint, a Patek might have been a better choice.Compared to a Lange, Vacheron has the slight edge based on its longer heritage and Swisspedigree. But there are few watches that are aesthetically more appealing thanVacheron’s entire Patrimony line, and it sounds like you bought this watch as apersonal reward more than as something you plan to turn a profit on in 10 years. Regardless, if you still feel you made the wrong decision, there are plenty moremilestone birthdays ahead on which you can make things right, so for now, enjoy yourVacheron.Formal watches and shorts

You have often mentioned that it is rarely acceptable to wear a sporty watch with asuit or tuxedo. My question is: Does the opposite also apply? Is it acceptable to wear adressier watch with more casual attire like jeans? I ask because Irecently bought my first real watch. After careful consideration I avoided the obviousRolexes and Omegas and settled on a JaegerLeCoultre Master Hometime (steel). This watch works great with any semi-formalclothing, but what am I to do when I wear jeans and a T-shirt, or even shorts? Am I betteroff wearing a dress watch with shorts or no watch at all?The obvioussolution to this sartorial conundrum is to own more than one watch. The fact of the matteris, there is really no one watch that works equally well with a dinner jacket and casualattire no matter what the world’s under-dressed watch bloggers tell you.They’re all sitting at home in a tracksuit while you’re going to the office,so what do they know?If you must only own one timepiece, it is better to erron the side of how you intend to wear it most often. Your choice of the JLC is actuallyquite acceptable, given its elegant finishing and rather spare dial. But I have aquestion: What are these “shorts” of which you speak?Question from a Watch Knob

When my wife and I found out that we were expecting our first child, I immediatelyconsidered what watch I might buy to celebrate the birth. I would like to buy a watch thatmy child can admire as he/she grows up and one that can be a fitting gift for him/her whenhe/she comes of age. My first thought was an Omega Speedmaster Professional. However, thischanged when I found out that it was a girl! I am now considering a watch that I can wearfor the next 20 years or so but that may also be appropriate for my daughter to own andperhaps even wear from time to time one day. A few pieces jump to mind, among them:Cartier Calibre de Cartier, JLC Master DualTime, Breitling Transocean and the MauriceLacroix Flyback Annuaire. In your opinion, which of these is the better investment for mydaughter?Let’s be honest: You’re using the birth of yourchild as an excuse to buy a new watch for yourself. No doubt you’ll be findingcountless other occasions to celebrate with a timepiece acquisition: Your daughter’sfirst tooth perhaps? Her first day of secondary school? Third place in the school talentcontest? Face it: By the time she turns 20, she won’t be interested in any of thepieces you listed, so just go out and buy the one you want to wear (personally, I’dskip the Maurice Lacroix). Don’t worry, I won’t tell your wife. Continue Reading ]More...[/url]