When asked, most men would likely vehemently deny that their life is in any way influencedby celebrities. This man wouldn’t. Allow me to clarify.Now if I were to claim that my wardrobe was inspired by The Situation’sbedazzled T-shirts or that my life decisions were based upon how closely I keep up withthe Kardashians, that’d be a lie. In fact, if that were even remotely true I’drun to the nearest theme park, find a whack-a-mole mallet and then proceed to bludgeonmyself with it. That’s by no means what I mean when I say that celebrities influenceme. Celebrity culture can be nauseating. But many men, much like the ones featured onAskMen's Top 49 MostInfluential Men, are famous for a legitimate reason. These are men who have donesomething with their lives. I find them not only influential, but in some cases eveninspiring.Just like the way runway fashion has a way of trickling down to theracks of the Gap, the ins and outs of celebrities’ lives can, over time, infiltrateour ideas about what is and isn’t appropriate and desirable. Remember 10 or so yearsago, when Jay-Z and Pharrell came out with the song “Change Clothes,” whichname-checked a handful of upscale fashion designers you’d never heard of? A fewyears later, wearing Nikes with a Ralph Lauren blazer was a conventional look. Think thathappened on its own? Nope -- just like real Gs, influencers move in silence. But you'dbest believe they move.Steve Buscemi has been a working actor for 25 years.He’s consistently managed to score roles in high-profile films for the majority ofhis career. He was the perverted bass player in Airheads. He played the homelessguy who begged for an egg McMuffin in Adam Sandler’s Big Daddy. He blastedoff into space to drill a hole into an asteroid in Armageddon. For years, Steve Buscemiwas thought of as Hollywood’s go-to character actor. But, at 53 years old,he’s evolved his image. In the Martin Scorsese-produced Boardwalk Empire,Buscemi plays the tragically flawed Nucky Thompson, the undisputed ruler of Atlantic City.It’s the role that will ultimately go on to define his legacy in the business -- andBuscemi landed it in his 50s. That’s an incredible story. Steve Buscemihad patience, he had resolve and, more than that, he had an unwavering belief that thecream does indeed rise to the top. Louis C.K. and Ty Burrell, two othermen on this year’s list, have similarly inspiring stories. You may not be able toput a finger on exactly how these guys will have changed you looking back at close range,but five years from now, 50 might be the new 30, and Louis C.K.’s brand ofregular-guy humor might have infiltrated our speech patterns like Seinfeld’s did 20years ago. Look at FrankOcean. Aside from the world discovering just how astounding a musician he is thisyear, we also learned that he’s bisexual. Hip-hop is a culture that, asconvention-busting as it may be, still isn’t exactly known for its tolerance ofalternative lifestyles. But earlier this year, the Odd Future member had the courage tolet the entire world know who he really is. That fortitude is undeniably commendable. Menwith lesser conviction would continue to live a lie.Whether you’d liketo shed unhealthy pounds like Jonah Hill, be effortlessly hilarious like AzizAnsari or exude pure, 100% uncut cool like Jon Hamm, there’s no shame inadmitting, or just realizing, that celebrities can be useful role models and influences inour lives. With that said, in all seriousness, if you do happen to wearbedazzled Ed Hardy shirts because of The Situation, stop right now. Think to yourself,WWJHD (What Would Jon Hamm Wear). So, please, do let us know who you suspectis silently infiltrating your brain right now, over on our Top 49 votingpage. Cheers,Peter Hoare@PeterHoare Continue Reading

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