All the Bonds. All the girls. All the action. All in high-definition. That's all inBOND 50, which brings 22 classic films to Blu-ray in one cool, sleek, collectiblebox set. Available on the 24th, the collection marks the debut of nine Bond filmsthat were previously unavailable in high-definition Blu-ray and comes with more than 122hours of bonus features.Want a chance to win a copy? Answer the followingquestion in our comments section, or find the article on Facebook, Twitter (using the hashtag #Bond50) or Pinterest topost your answer:Who is your favorite Bond girl of all time? Need help deciding? Check out this infograph.Good luck, and don't forget to give us youranswer. Official SweepstakesRules1. DESCRIPTION: NO PURCHASE NECESSARYTO ENTER OR WIN. James Bond 50th Anniversary Giveaway Sweepstakes ("Sweepstakes") beginsat 3:30 PM [EDT] on Friday, September 20th, 2012 ("Start Date") and ends on 11:59 PM [EDT]on Friday, September 28, 2012 (“End Date”). This period shall be the“Sweepstakes Term”. See Section 5 below for more details. The Sponsor of thisSweepstakes is Solutions Canada, Inc. ("Sponsor").2. ELIGIBILITY: Sweepstakes is open to legal residents of the50 United States and Washington, D.C. who (i) are at least 18 years old and have reachedthe legal age of majority at the time of entry and (ii) own or have access to anInternet-enabled PC prior to entry in the Sweepstakes Term. Any individuals (including butnot limited to employees, consultants, independent contractors and interns) who have,within the past six months, held employment with or performed services for Sponsor("Sweepstakes Entities"), its parent companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising andpromotional agencies, prize suppliers or any organizations affiliated with thesponsorship, fulfillment, administration, prize support, advertisement or promotion of theSweepstakes are not eligible to enter or win. Immediate family and household members ofsuch individuals are also not eligible to enter or win. "Immediate Family Members" shallmean parents, step-parents, legal guardians, children, step-children, siblings,step-siblings, or spouses. "Household Members" shall mean those people who share the sameresidence at least three months a year. Void where prohibited. 3. HOW TO ENTER: To enter, respond to the question “Whois your favorite Bond girl of all time?” in the comments section, or use the hashtag#Bond50 to find the article on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest and post your answer withthe hashtag attached. You must enter within the Sweepstakes Term. Entries will be acceptedfor the applicable Sweepstakes Term concurrent with the date of their submission. Entriesgenerated by a script, macro or other automated means will be disqualified. Use of a falseemail account will disqualify an entry. Each entrant must be the rightful owner (or haveauthorized use) of the e-mail address or contact information identified in theentrant’s entry as of the Start Date. In the event of a dispute as to the identityof a winner, the winner will be deemed to be the person in whose name the e-mail accountgoverning the e-mail address was opened. Entrants must provide all information requestedto be eligible to win. All information provided by entrants becomes the property ofSponsor. Sponsor assumes no responsibility for lost, stolen, illegible, incomplete,incorrect, late or misdirected entries, or other errors or problems of any kind whethermechanical, human, or electronic. Entries are limited to individuals only; commercialenterprises and business entities are not eligible. AskMen at its sole discretion,reserves the right to disqualify any person who tampers with the entry process or theoperation of the website, who violates the Sweepstakes Rules, or who otherwise interfereswith the proper operation of the Sweepstakes. By entering, entrants accept and agree toabide by the terms of these official rules (these “SweepstakesRules”).4. PRIZES: One (1)winner will be selected at the end of the Sweepstakes Term and will receive the followingGrand Prize: i) One (1) BOND 50 Blu-ray collection. Total Estimated Retail Value of theGrand Prize is $299.99. NOTE: The Grand Prize does not include a Blu-ray player. Prizewinners cannot assign or transfer the prizes to another person. No cash or prizesubstitution is allowed except at the discretion of Sponsor. All prizes will be awarded.If a prize cannot be awarded due to circumstances beyond the control of Sponsor, Sponsorshall have no obligation to award a substitute prize. Any unclaimed prize may not bere-awarded, in Sponsor’s sole discretion. Other restrictions may apply. Odds ofwinning depend on the number of eligible entries received. 5. WINNER SELECTION AND NOTIFICATION: Winners will beselected in a random drawing conducted by the Sponsor from all eligible entries at the endof the Sweepstakes Term. The Prize winner will be notified by email on or about thefollowing business day. Selected winners will be required to respond (as directed) to thenotification within 72 hours of attempted notification. The failure to respond timely tothe notification may result in forfeiture of the prize and, in such case, Sponsor willconduct another drawing to select an alternate winner. Prize winners may be required toverify address and to execute before a notary public and return within seven (7) days anaffidavit of eligibility and liability/publicity release covering eligibility, liability,advertising, publicity and media appearance issues, unless prohibited by law. Prize willnot be awarded until all such properly executed and notarized forms are returned (ifapplicable). 6. CONDITIONS OFPARTICIPATION/RELEASES: Sweepstakes is void where prohibited or restricted by law. Allfederal, state and local laws and regulations apply. By participating in the Sweepstakes,entrants agree to be bound by these official rules and the decisions of Sponsor, whichshall be final in all respects. By participating in this Sweepstakes and/or by acceptingany prize that they may win, entrants agree to release Sponsor; its direct and indirectparent companies, subsidiaries and affiliated companies, units and divisions andadvertising and promotional agencies and prize suppliers; each of their respectiveofficers, directors, agents, representatives and employees; and each of these companiesand individuals’ respective successors, representatives and assigns (collectively,the "Released Parties") from any and all actions, claims, injury, loss or damage arisingin any manner, directly or indirectly, from participation in this Sweepstakes and/oracceptance or use of the prize. Entrants authorize the Released Parties to use their name,voice, likeness, biographical data, city and state of residence and entry materials inprogramming or promotional material, worldwide in perpetuity, or on a winner’s list,if applicable, without further compensation unless prohibited by law. Sponsor is notobligated to use any of the above mentioned information or materials, but may do so andmay edit such information or materials, at Sponsor's sole discretion, without furtherobligation or compensation. The Released Parties shall not be liable for: (i) late, lost,delayed, stolen, misdirected, postage-due, incomplete unreadable, inaccurate, garbled orunintelligible entries, communications or affidavits, regardless of the method oftransmission; (ii) telephone system, telephone or computer hardware, software or othertechnical or computer malfunctions, lost connections, disconnections, delays ortransmission errors; (iii) data corruption, theft, destruction, unauthorized access to oralteration of entry or other materials; (iv) any injuries, losses or damages of any kindcaused by the prize or resulting from acceptance, possession or use of a prize, or fromparticipation in the Sweepstakes; or (v) any printing, typographical, administrative ortechnological errors in any materials associated with the Sweepstakes. Sponsor disclaimsany liability for damage to any computer system resulting from participating in, oraccessing or downloading information in connection with this Sweepstakes, and reserve theright, in their sole discretion, to cancel, modify or suspend the Sweepstakes should avirus, bug, computer problem, unauthorized intervention or other causes beyond Sponsor'scontrol, whether known or unknown to Sponsor, corrupt the administration, security orproper play of the Sweepstakes. Sponsor may prohibit you from participating in theSweepstakes or winning a prize if, in its sole discretion, it determines you areattempting to undermine the legitimate operation of the Sweepstakes by cheating, hacking,deception, or any other unfair practices. This Sweepstakes will be governed by the laws ofthe state of California. Any and all legal actions of claims arising in connection withthis Sweepstakes must be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction with California andyou hereby submit to jurisdiction in California. All taxes, fees, and surcharges on prizesare the sole responsibility of the prize winner. Return of any prize/prize notification asundeliverable may result in disqualification and selection of an alternate winner.CAUTION: ANY ATTEMPT TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE THE WEB SITE OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATEOPERATION OF THE SWEEPSTAKES MAY BE IN VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS AND WILLRESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION FROM PARTICIPATION IN THE SWEEPSTAKES. SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPTBE MADE, SPONSORS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SEEK REMEDIES AND DAMAGES (INCLUDING ATTORNEYFEES) TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW, INCLUDING CRIMINAL PROSECUTION. 7. PRIVACY POLICY: Any personal information suppliedby you to Sponsor will be subject to Sponsor’s privacy policy posted at Acceptance of a prize constitutespermission for Sponsor, and its advertising and promotional agencies to use winners’names and likenesses for advertising and promotional purposes without additionalcompensation unless prohibited by law. 8. SPONSOR: Solutions Canada, Inc., 4200 St. Laurent, Suite 801,Montreal, Quebec, H2W 2R2. EXCLUDING ONLYAPPLICABLE MANUFACTURERS’ WARRANTIES, THE PRIZES ARE PROVIDED TO WINNERS “ASIS” WITHOUT FURTHER WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. SPONSOR DISCLAIMS ALL FURTHER WARRANTIES,EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO THE PRIZES.IN NO EVENT SHALL SPONSOR BE RESPONSIBLE HEREUNDERFOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES INCURRED BY ANY ENTRANT ORANY THIRD PARTY EVEN IF SPONSOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCHDAMAGES.
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