We never fully forget our exes. Each represents a different chapter in our lives, andwhile at first we may want to hang our ex-girlfriends’ photos on a dart board, wealways get over it. Every failed relationship is a learning experience. And that’swhy comedian Jake Hurwitz, of Jakeand Amir fame, sat down with his exes to see what went wrong and how he could bebetter in the future. Luckily for us, he decided to share these illuminatingconversations. Maybe they’ll even inspire you to unpack a time capsule of your own.-AskMen editorsIn an effort to understand why I haveyet to find true love, I've decided to interview my ex-girlfriends. I know it soundscounterproductive, but I view it as a worthwhile experiment that will help me gainvaluable insight and help me not to destroy future relationships. Below is a series ofbrief interviews conducted with a few of my most serious girlfriends.Erin, my first serious girlfriend

When did we start dating?Senior year of high school. Youwere drunk off of Dubra mixed with lemon-lime Gatorade, and you asked if we could gosteady.“Senior year of high school” would have beensufficient. How long did our relationship last?About three monthslonger than it should have.I see you still have a special place inyour heart for me.I remember you used to text me from your dad's cellphone because you didn't have your own. You would also fill your AIM profile with crypticDave Matthews lyrics and then write my initials underneath them.Ithought that was romantic.It wasn't.But we hadsome good times, didn't we?We would kind of just hang out in yourparents’ basement and get to third base with each other.What doyou think I meant when I said “good times”?Of course, itdidn't last long.The good times or the third base?Both.Fair enough. When do you think you realized we were no longerin love?Love?No. Never mind.I guess I realized it wasn't going to work when you backed into my dad's car in thedriveway and begged me, almost to the point of tears, to tell him that I did it.Would you consider going back out with me?Do you still wearthe hemp necklace with the guitar pick tied to it?Sometimes.No. Continue Reading

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