I wasn't sure where to post this topic but it's something I wanted to get off my chest and to see others feelings on it.

I work at a bar on the weekends and last night I got promoted to doorman. Long story short my two co-workers wanted to hang out outside the bar and BS with people all fucking night. I understand that bouncing isn't that complicated of a job but I would feel like such a louse if I didn't try to make it look like I was paying attention to the crowd and also being out front when you are posted inside!!!! The owners girlfriend and her friend were helping me catch kids drinking underage more than those guys were. The owners girlfriend's girlfriend was actually going right up to girls who mysteriously had a drinking band after they got in when I hadn't given them one and she was ripping the bands right off. And these guys still were oblivious.

Doesn't anyone take pride in doing a good job anymore???

another example is at my gym. We are all responsible for maintaining the appearance of the facility, enforcing the rules, etc. Yet you get girls who just want to ring people up or put them in tanning. The never venture out from the register unless it's to use their cell phones. We also had a floor trainer tell another employee that they were taking out the trash because the other girl was there as a "cleaner" and she should be doing the garbage. This fucking cock has been at the gym long enough to know it doesn't work that way and I'm the CPT and I still do anything that needs to get done.

What is wrong with people today, seriously. Gotta go train some clients but wanted to post this rant real quick.