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    Thread: My girlfriend went to italy and all she got me was a lousy break up

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      teamgenetics's Avatar
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      Default My girlfriend went to italy and all she got me was a lousy break up

      forgot about this shit.. lol im over it and her
      Last edited by teamgenetics; 08-26-2008 at 06:54 PM.

    2. #2
      DirtyD Guest
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      First I just want to say TG I am sorry to hear this!!! I have been through some tough times not too long ago and I know the feeling brother... It is painful and for someone to pick on you over this would be shitty, love is sure as shit not easy to deal with when you are hurting...

      I give you a lot of credit for posting this up bro... Takes some balls cause many my think you should just get over it and move on as I am saying this politely cause I am sure some asshole would say something worse...

      I hope when she comes home and you have an opportunity to talk to her you two can work out what ever may be best for you both, whether you get back together, remain friends or part your separate ways...

      Whatever you chose I wish you the best... Tough journey my man!!! But one that will only make you stronger if you allow it to...

    3. #3
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      listen bro.

      im not gonne lie u have some hard ass test atrophy balls to post this. for this i have new found respect for you. i do sympathize with you for it bro but trust me right now me and my gf are fighting i would marry this chick! im sooo head over heals in love with her and shes about 5 hours from me and wants to take the summer off.

      she was a virgin and she "wants to be friends"... i was a dick and kinda she caught me texting nasty things to my xgf who left back to russia... whatever my fault.

      but i absolutely love her with all my heart but its tearing at me that she doesnt want me so im letting her go she said she still wants to be with me but nothing is the same.

      trust me a girl who wants enjoyment without you is selfish and always will be selfish if its something i recommend its an anger bang. go out and go clubbin or to a bar and bring back that chick and pull her hair and rail is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo friggen hard bro get out your frustration and then focus on yourself and what your priorities are.

      i really know how u feel. but its better to have lost love and love and lost at the same time...

      please get over her and let her know. u will not be her friend and u will not want a life with her now. tell her thanks for ruining an amazing thing.

      let her feel guilty. its her fault. not urs.

      trust me! she wants to walk over u. dont do it! please im begging u for all the dicks on this planet. stand up to your woman!

    4. #4
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      info, trust me i will, cuz im not a lil bitch like she is, if i wanted to break up with her i would have done it to her fucking face and not through a fucking email. she has never been like this in the 7 years i have known her. Im not fucking calling her, all i did was email her back and say that i support her decisions and nothing but positive things, i didnt tell her how i felt or anything, NO GUY WOULD DO THIS, most guys would be like fuck you, and if she doesnt realize how much of a good guy i am, then fuck her, i lived before her, i can live without her. But trust me, when i see her in person..... its going down, she'll be back next friday, im not emailing her anymore, im not doing anything to try to contact her, im not calling her when i know she's back, she has to fucking call me. I have been nothing but a good boyfriend to her, ofcourse i am not perfect we all make mistakes but i never any "real" mistakes and we have always been happy. She is being a person i dont even know now and if she wants me back, i want her to fucking beg and cry. I hope she is fucking miserable right now as i am. I cant stop thinking about her no matter how hard I try, i cant focus at the gym,im not eating barely at all, i go to sleep late and then wake up early and cant go back to sleep. I am fucking miserable right now and need to relax. I seriously think some tren/var/prop/win, a good diet, and some tanning would make me feel better!
      Last edited by teamgenetics; 06-13-2008 at 06:43 AM.

    5. #5
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      Wow, bro..that was cowardly doing it in an email. You did the right thing by not saying anything derogatory to her or expressing yourself. Anything bad you say now during the pain and anger will only be brought up again if you guys get back together. The last time a chick did that to me she was getting ready to bang another guy. Chicks feel guilty if they cheat on you so they will break up with you so they don't have to feel guilty.....about anything. I'm not saying she is doing this to you, but it seems like it's a part of the female mentality. Don't do anything you would regret when she gets back just in case you plan on getting back with her......unless you don't want to get back with her. Then the best thing is to nail some other chicks..that always made me feel good again!! Good luck bro.

    6. #6
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      Sorry to hear this bro. And its not your fault. As far as still being in love with her you cant help the way you feel. I think you should not have any contact at all with her. Ignore every attempt she makes to get in touch with you for awhile. Then when you feel its right a week a month then talk to her. Or dont talk to her anymore period. Once again sorry to hear this bro. Take care.

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      thanks guys, i appreciate it! The thing is she isnt the hook up with random guys type, but you never fucking know because girls are unpredictable. she is in italy with no friends , no real friends, she went there with random people from her school with girls that dont give a fuck about their boyfriends because they cheated. And i hope that i find out which girls it is because i am going to fucking tell on them in a fucking heart beat. No guy or girl deserves to get cheated on EVER. If she loves me, she will tell me the truth, if it did happen, or something did happen and u better believe i will get it out of her if she did. I am friends with all of her friends so no matter if she tells me or not I WILL KNOW. Your right ajdos... she wants to fucking play, i'll fucking play, fuck her! im not answering her phone calls, im not emailing her anymore, and when she comes back im not fucking answering her phone calls. She wants to know what it feels like without me in her life and she will... and she will regret it dearly, I hate to be mean, but guys arnt knocking on her door to hook up with her in the states. In italy, its different cuz guys there are fucking sleeze balls. Dont get me wrong she's pretty but she's not THAT pretty and her body isnt attractive.

      Once she heads home and hits that american soil she is going to say to herself "what the fuck did i just do" and then when she tries to come crawling back to me im going to tell her in the words of cartman on southpark, SUCK MY FUCKING BALLS! peace up a town down

    8. #8
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      Quote Originally Posted by Slimfatty View Post
      Wow, bro..that was cowardly doing it in an email.
      My X broke up with me three years ago .... in a PM at a board

      I'm sorry to read about the break-up, teamgenetics. I know how you feel (been there .....). It takes time to heal but one day, you'll feel the old self again.

      Take care!

    9. #9
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      Quote Originally Posted by ajdos View Post
      Being the old man I am - let me share some of my wisdom- women are truly the most unpredictable creatures on earth- they are erratic and illogical as opposed to men whom dwell in the state of reason.
      There is a movie quote from "as good as it gets" Jack Nicholsons character is approached by a young female admirere who asks him how he writes women so well he responds sarcastically "I think of a man...then I take away reason and accountability" this is one of the best descriptions of women I have ever heard and when women are confronted with it they are truly preterbed and that only gives more validity to the statement/
      Now in your situation- there is nothing wrong with being upset, still feeling love for her and being emotional as hell- thats perfectly normal and nothing to be ashamed of- we all have been there.
      However and please understand this the most-she broke up with you- this is a declaration of rejection.
      The best thing to do is move on, not emotionally but in her life- just remove yourself- no "just friends" just go- she is asking to have you gone (weather she says that or not) so be gone.
      I say this with a bit of spite but the truth is women do this shit without truly thinking things through and this is more a demonstration of impulsive behavior.
      She more than likely has met someone during her travels and is trying to do the right thing and remove the burden of guilt from herself. FINE- but bro its time to turn your back on her and make her understand that such decisions are permanant in the adult world...dont reply to emails dont answer phone calls, make yourself vanish from her world- it is the consequence to her actions- many times women want to remove the romantic connection (sex) and keep the emotional attachment- thats fucking shit in my book- its all or nothing- dont let that happen- she can either be with you or without you.
      I have said this to many of my fellow man and some listen and some dont but the ones that dont ALWAYS regret letting their ex hang around in the picture- at this point there is no going back so the best thing here is a clean break.
      Just some advice from an old man.
      TG.....This is the best advice you have got so far. Follow exactly what AJ said. I have been in some nasty breakups and I promise you this is the way to handle it.

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