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    Thread: My girlfriend went to italy and all she got me was a lousy break up

    1. #11
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      Quote Originally Posted by miss diesel View Post
      My X broke up with me three years ago .... in a PM at a board

      I'm sorry to read about the break-up, teamgenetics. I know how you feel (been there .....). It takes time to heal but one day, you'll feel the old self again.

      Take care!

      question is... how long lol i thought maybe i could still be her friend but now the more i think about it... i couldnt cuz it would just hurt me too much especially if i saw her with another guy i would flip!

    2. #12
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      Quote Originally Posted by ajdos View Post
      Being the old man I am - let me share some of my wisdom- women are truly the most unpredictable creatures on earth- they are erratic and illogical as opposed to men whom dwell in the state of reason.
      There is a movie quote from "as good as it gets" Jack Nicholsons character is approached by a young female admirere who asks him how he writes women so well he responds sarcastically "I think of a man...then I take away reason and accountability" this is one of the best descriptions of women I have ever heard and when women are confronted with it they are truly preterbed and that only gives more validity to the statement/
      Now in your situation- there is nothing wrong with being upset, still feeling love for her and being emotional as hell- thats perfectly normal and nothing to be ashamed of- we all have been there.
      However and please understand this the most-she broke up with you- this is a declaration of rejection.
      The best thing to do is move on, not emotionally but in her life- just remove yourself- no "just friends" just go- she is asking to have you gone (weather she says that or not) so be gone.
      I say this with a bit of spite but the truth is women do this shit without truly thinking things through and this is more a demonstration of impulsive behavior.
      She more than likely has met someone during her travels and is trying to do the right thing and remove the burden of guilt from herself. FINE- but bro its time to turn your back on her and make her understand that such decisions are permanant in the adult world...dont reply to emails dont answer phone calls, make yourself vanish from her world- it is the consequence to her actions- many times women want to remove the romantic connection (sex) and keep the emotional attachment- thats fucking shit in my book- its all or nothing- dont let that happen- she can either be with you or without you.
      I have said this to many of my fellow man and some listen and some dont but the ones that dont ALWAYS regret letting their ex hang around in the picture- at this point there is no going back so the best thing here is a clean break.
      Just some advice from an old man.
      TG.....This is the best advice you have got so far. Follow exactly what AJ said. I have been in some nasty breakups and I promise you this is the way to handle it.

    3. #13
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      Quote Originally Posted by Kruzzer View Post
      Hey, I'm and old fart too.....39.....Every One of them are just as nuts as the next one in 4.5yrs.....I know that your upset, but time heals all. Life goes on and you'll find someone else and you will be saying how awsome she is and you can't believe what you were missing and guess what??? She will turn out to be a nut too. Sorry....The only difference is that you just become too tired to care as you get older.......Don't sweat it Bro....you'll be just fine...feeling like a truck hit you is normal but it gets duller and duller everyday. Hang in there.
      Damn 39 that is old thats the new over the hill mark but by looking at you legs you look about oh sayyyyyyy 29. LOL J/K.

      Anyhow, I have to agree with AJ although I would be a hippocit considering my girl and I got back together after a 2 month break up from Nov 07 to Jan 08. I tried my best but I was like you TG Losing weight by the day and everyday seemed to feel worse without her bro. I am a pussy I know but we have share alot of goodtimes together and I love her and hopefuly will get to complicate my life more by marrying her crazy ass. I will tell you bro, What has help our relationship more then anything was the short break up and honesty and communication. If I was still 18-22 that would have been it but I am almost 30 and we are adults living a real life with real responsibilities. She is is a business/computer analyst/ system tester etc. She looks at letters and numbers and makes them mean something. LOL. Our break up was because she is OBVIOUSLY analytical and anal retentive and in the past I could not see past my of self-centeredness/selfishness and I would work from sun up to sun down and then got to the gym and come home eat, shower and go to bed. I am sort of an all or nothing person and I now try to put my focus on things that mean the most to me and the other stuff I put on the shelf instead of putting my girl on the shelf and putting the gym and work ahead of her. I still make it to the gym everyday but I had to organize and prioritize my life. I think the break up could be a good thing for you bro. The fear of the unknown is what kills us dude. Not knowing what the near future holds for you and her is a hell of a lot worse then knowing. I would suggest going to an acupuncturist or otherwise known as an ND.(Natural Doctor) and getting Acupuncture done to get your positive energy flowing again. Negative energy will eat you alive if you let it. I am not a budhist or anything like that but acupuncture truly does work to help you feel 100% better. When she comes home give it a week or 2 and make yourself bump into her if you truly love her and want to be with her bro. Don't let fear and anger run your emotions. you take control and say hey whats up anna. How was your trip? Then she will start crying and ask her why she is crying and she'll apologize 100 more times then say I forgive you its ok you had to do what you had to do for you . This is what you wanted this is what you got. Bamm she will be dying inside because you're ok with it and your now in control. If it you don't wanna be back with her then do exacty as AJ said and avoid her and everything about her and her friends and where she goes until you think you will be ok to see her without it REALLY affecting you. I feel your pain bro. Good luck to dude. Respectfully, Awakened.

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      man awakened that was bad ass advice

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      alright guys here's the plan... no more emails no matter what she says after i replied to her lil email. then when she gets back, im not calling her, she has to come to me because if she wants time... she can take it. Then when she gets back i still wont talk to her for atleast a week, then i will find out where she will be with some frends and i will randomly be there with a group of frends and i will bump into her. I will go up to her and say hey anna, how was italy.. basically i will act like i am perfectly fine... then we will go from there and whenever we do talk one on one in person i will tell her how this whole situation made me feel, and how i feel about her. Im actually hoping she fucking begs for me back... but i dont know i havnt decided if i want her back because she is not being the person i fell in love with right now and this whole situation is fucked up.

      I mght not even tell her how i feel, i might just act like i am completely uneffected by it but i guess i'll just play it by ear.

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      sorry to hear that bro it sucks to be with some one for that long and then get dumped...AJ said it all....DO NOT answer her emails or phone calls..let know what a mistake she made...go out and enjoy your new found freedom.....you will meet somebody else if you don't then you don't....

      i just got divorced from my wife we were married 5years and together 16years the last 5year my life sucked i wasn't happy she wasn't happy got sex once every 5 months or so didn't matter if was my birthday or not we i went out and met somebody i know it wasn't right but god damn i was miserable still doen't make it right what i done but i did it i am alot happier now i can do what i want and i get more sex then i did when i was married go figure..............

      keep your head bro time will heal everything

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      alright would the mods please delete this thread now... i dont want to even look at it anymore i want to move on... but i think ajdos was right, just by the way she is acting she probably met someone in italy and maybe cheated although she has never been the person who would cheat or anything to that nature but she isnt beng herself right now.. and in her email she kepts saying at this time, and right now she didnt want to be with me which is saying to me... she cheated or wants to so she broke up with me before she did. fucking girls man... no matter how good they are and how much you think you know them.... it never fails.. they are all bitches.


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      i know we have talked about this already. but the reason that i changed my number the othe day is so that nikki cant get hold of me anymore. its much much easier to get over it when you dont hear their excuses and bullshit in your ear. they want you to want them while they do whatever the fuck they want. trust me ignore her and only remember that pussy ass e-mail. it will go buy much easier. call me if you want bro..

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      only problem is, im friends with her friends.... but i dont hang out with them except for one.. abby.. i think im not talking to her anymore either... i thnk i will disappear for a while, she will be back in my city for school in august.. and maybe then i'll talk to her and give her a time of the day, but i say that now being mad about this whole situation... i cant lie.. if she begs for me back i might give her a chance, if she doesnt, then... FUCK HER but who knows... she mght not call me or anything but i guess we will just see, i promise i will keep you guys updated

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      Quote Originally Posted by teamgenetics View Post
      question is... how long lol i thought maybe i could still be her friend but now the more i think about it... i couldnt cuz it would just hurt me too much especially if i saw her with another guy i would flip!
      I'm so afraid of being hurt again ... that I haven't been in a serious relationship in 3 years. As I said, it takes time but how long it will take for you to heal depends on many factors and I can't answer that question.

      Everyone keeps telling me that Prince Charming is out there .. I personally doubt that but who knows?

      I'm sure that you'll meet somebody one day who will capture your heart again and all the misery you're going through right now will be forgotten.

      Take care, teamg!

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