Omnadren is a mixture of 4 Testosterones:
- Pharmaceutical Name:Testosterone
- Chemical Name:4-androsten-3-one-17b-ol
- Cutting/Bulking:Bulking
- Anabolic Rating:100
- Active Life: About 18 days total
- Drug Class: Androgenic/Anabolic Steroid (For injection)
- Average Reported Dosage: 125-1500MG weekly (males only)
- Acne: Yes
- Water Retention: Yes
- High Blood Pressure: Yes
- Liver Toxic: Low, except in high dosages
- Aromatization: Yes
- DHT Conversion: Yes, high
- Decreases HPTA function: Yes
- Average Price: $8/per amp
Omnadren is similar to Sustanon (it was the second 4-testosterone blend on the marked), and is only different from Sustanon in that Omnadren contains Testosterone Isohexanoate and Testosterone Hexanoate, instead of Testosterone Decanoate and Isocaproate. This gave Omnadren a proclivity towards higher water retention rating and aromatization factor over Sustanon.The comparison is, however, still very appropriate. Counterfeit Sustanon was often simply the much cheaper test blend Omnadren.
- 60-mg Testosterone Phenylpropionate
- 30-mg Testosterone Propionate
- 60-mg Testosterone Isohexanoate
- 100-mg Testosterone Hexanoate.
Omnadren provides the same fast weight gain and strength build-up of any other long-estered testosterone. Unfortunately,it can also give the user a bloated appearance if an aromatase-inhibitor (such as exemestane) is not used. Typical reports from Omnadren users include increased pump, appetite, and training aggressiveness as well as an enhanced sex drive. Acne, Hairloss, and water retention are also reported, unfortunately.
Omnadren is clearly both very androgenic and vey anabolic. It is generally only considered appropriate for bulking cycles where mass and strength build-ups were desired. Commonly, it is stacked with Deca-Durabolin or Equipoise, and/or Anadrol.