Nolvadex is a drug commonly referred to as an anti-estrogen. This would suggestless or no estrogen is produced due to the drug's actions as in the case of Teslac. Actually,Nolvadex is an estrogen antagonist, meaning it competes with estrogen at estrogenreceptor- sites. This prevents the active estrogen from entering its receptor and creatingan estrogenic complex capable of activity. Since many AAS aromatize (covert toestrogen) to some degree, the control of feminizing side effects (males should payattention here) is important. Males normally have a very low estrogen level. During AAScycles, due to aromatization, estrogen levels rise considerably. This elevated estrogenlevel can cause feminizing side effects such as increased fat deposits, water retention, andgynecomastia (growth of breast gland tissue and painful tumors under the nipple). As arule, it is more the ratio of androgens-to-estrogens than the simple increase in estrogenthat actually initiates feminizing side effects.
- Active-Life: Less than 24 hours
- Drug Class: Anti-estrogen/estrogen antagonist (Oral)
- Average Reported Dosage: 10-30-mg daily
- Acne: None
- Water Retention: No
- High Blood Pressure: Rare (not normally attributed to the drug itself)
- Liver Toxic: Yes
It is important that the reader realizes that Nolvadex does not decrease estrogenproduction and that it simply blocks estrogen receptors. For this reason the suddendiscontinuance of Nolvadex will allow the increased level of circulating estrogen tomerge with the newly freed receptors and do feminine things to the body.
"Enter Proviron". At the end of a steroid cycle, the body's natural testosteroneproduction can be impaired. Due to the aromatization of the AAS estrogen levels aresignificantly higher than normal and Nolvadex only helps by blocking the estrogenreceptors. If an athlete abruptly ends an AAS protocol without regeneration of the HPTAunder these conditions, much of the hard earned gains would disappear due to estrogenbecoming the dominant hormone. So what did the boys (that didn’t want to be a girl) do?
Proviron is an anti-estrogen (*See "Proviron" for more info) that helps to preventestrogen production while elevating androgen levels. During the last week of an AAScycle, some male bodybuilders began a HCG protocol (*See HCG) and administered 25-mg Proviron/10-20-mg Novladex 1-2 times daily. This was commonly noted to almostcompletely suppress post-cycle estrogen and its activity. Since Nolvadex increases thebody's own testosterone production, as does HCG, much of the cycle gains were retainedquite well. Nolvadex has a direct effect on the hypothalamus and therefore increases therelease of Gonadotropic hormones to a minor degree. (The hormones that tell the Leydigcells in the testes to produce androgens such as testosterone are refereed to asGonadotropics) Many added Clomid (*See Clomid) to their post-cycle stacks beginning6-10 days after HCG and continued for the average reported two week duration. In mostcases the result was athletes with normal (or above) sex drive and androgen production!
* High dosage use of Nolvadex can inhibit natural testosterone production. This is due toinhibition of enzymes needed for testosterone production by the testes.
Nolvadex was normally layered into any protocol utilizing high aromatizing steroids suchas testosterone, Dianabol, or those that are progesterone receptor stimulators such asAnadrol-50. Those who were prone to high fat deposits, water retention, and gynoconsistently reported inclusion of Nolvadex. Many are were to obtain excellent estrogenicactivity suppression with only 10-mg daily while others noted the need for as much as60-mg daily (20mg 3 times daily). The best results and guidelines were obtained bystarting low and increasing dosages only when necessary.
It is important for the reader to realize that AAS must have some estrogen presentin order to achieve their full positive potential effectiveness and provide the bestcommonly desired results. This is why many AAS lose their anabolic qualities whencombined with anti-estrogens. It is also why Methandriol magnifies the effects of thesame AAS. Those who used high anabolic/moderate-low androgenic steroids such asnandrolones, Primobolan, or Winstrol, and did not combine them with high aromatizingsteroids (such as testosterone) often considered not using Nolvadex during cycles the bestchoice when increased mass was the primary intent.
Women who used Nolvadex usually did so because it aids in fat loss due to lessestrogenic activity. I have yet to see a female compete whom was able to achieve trulycut legs with out it. Women athletes often combined 10-20mg of Nolvadex with 50-75mgProviron daily for the last few weeks of dieting. Due to availability of Clenbuterol,Proviron dosages were reported lower as of late, at least in female fitness competitors.Women should be aware that birth control is an estrogen and Novladex will block itseffectiveness. Women have note irregular menstrual cycles, weaker menstrual bleeding,and sometimes skip periods all together during Nolvadex use. I know several women whouse Nolvadex for this reason and can not say I disagree with their choice. After all, theuse of progestin type birth control as a means of regulating or even stopping menstruationis becoming accepted in the medical circles at last.
A few athletes have experienced a paradox when using high dosages of Nolvadex.Instead of lowering estrogenic activity, it increased it. What happened was that theAdrenal glands went into over drive producing a pro-hormone called DHEA. DHEA isactually an adrenal androgen normally secreted in lower levels. As circulating levelsincreased enzymic factors came into play. Research shows DHEA readily converts intoandrostenedione, and to some extent, estrogens in males. (That sucks!) The femaleendocrine system usually favors testosterone production from converted DHEA orandrostenedione. The newly formed estrogen then overwhelmed the estrogen receptorsblocking the intended qualities of Novladex. In this case, Proviron, and especially Teslacwhere notably better choices.
*Gyno that fails to react to these drugs normally must be removed by surgery. DHTderivatives can cause increases endogenous estrogen production also in some individuals.Cytadren was a commonly co-administered drug with Nolvadex.