TweetThe Rock's Views on & Admission to using Roids
Personally, I'm not surprised since Stone Cold and Hogan have both admitted to using them at one time. And I'm sure HHH and Vince, himself, are using.
TweetThe Rock's Views on & Admission to using Roids
Personally, I'm not surprised since Stone Cold and Hogan have both admitted to using them at one time. And I'm sure HHH and Vince, himself, are using.
Tweetyeah no surprise to me but I don't think he is being honest about his usage. I call bullshit on that.
TweetHe's def not telling the whole truth, he's used much more than he led on. He was a D1 football player and a pro wrestler.
This got me thinking. I just saw my ex gf for the first time in 1.5 years. So we are hanging out and she asks me "are you on steroids". I didn't say yes. But i thought later on even if I said No she would still think i did so it wouldn't matter that i said No. And if i say Yes, it was all the steroids and not my hard work. catch 22.
Tweetwell, im sorry to say that i was a big "fake" wrestling buff a while back ...but the rock had gyno real bad.. and ultimately had surgery to fix it.. not sure if anyone else remembers that.. and that doesnt come from casual usage as we all know..
Rangers lead the way!
TweetAs long as John Cena and Batista arent using (and never have) I'm totally fine with it![]()
U wanna see bitch tits? check out the larger of the 2 black dudes who call themselves "Krime Time". His is very bad and IMO he's not very "stacked" or "juiced" as most people are when they get the man boobs. He must have either poor genetics or doesnt know the 1st thing about anti-E's.
TweetNot only Krime Time, bro. I've began noticing it on JBL and he's not exactly built like a powerlifter or bodybuilder. So my guess is that he uses for strength.
I got a better one for you, bro.Originally Posted by tekken lll
I work the graveyard shift with alot of young (20-something) newbies at my job. We're usually get a break around 4:30 or 5:00 AM until more buses arrive either off of the street or from the shop. So I entered our office all burned out and there was one of the newer guys and a female coworker already there. She's one of the few whom I've confided in but I never told her that I'm using gear; only that I've experienced it in the past. However, just as I walked into the office, the guy, who was busy studying at the time, suddenly looks up and ask me, "(name), when you were a professional bodybuilder, did you use steroids?" I looked at my female coworker who was looking at me as if to see what I'll say. Then I died laughing and said, 1) Bro, I was never a professional or competitive bodybuilder but sort of wanted to be back in 1991 and 2) only been there-done that-but ain't gonna happen again anytime soon.
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