TweetThis was a long ass time ago bro, like 20years for me too lol, honestly I'm sure it was very poorly laid out and infrequent.
TweetThis was a long ass time ago bro, like 20years for me too lol, honestly I'm sure it was very poorly laid out and infrequent.
Tweetmine was this guy told me to buy(off him of course) a 10ml vial of deca for like $200 and said that was all i needed 2x a week and i'd be huge.and no,i didn't get it,lol!!
Tweetthat's funny cause I still hear of guys paying $200 for deca.
TweetAround here a bud of mine paid $120 for test, $170 for deca.......jerks!!!!!
TweetHad a buddy tell me, before I knew anything, to just run deca for 8 weeks. So I paid way to much for a bottle of Ttokkyo Deca. Met a really hot chick at a college party, took her home and well yes.... that was all I did was take her home.
TweetLOL, little did you know you were producing more progesterone than she was.
Everything by Fullybuilt is for role play only. This is a fictional game I play.
TweetI actually just got asked the worst ? possible today at my shop. Guy comes in and is gonna go on a pro hormone cycle and asks if he can do cardio. I say of course you can, its recommened. he says ok good b/c a long time ago I did a cycle of steroids and the guy who sold them to me said the heart is a muscle like all other muscles and to not do cardio or you can blow it out. LMAO
Everything by Fullybuilt is for role play only. This is a fictional game I play.
TweetLOL, I did Dbol only too!!!!!
TweetDude who sold me my first cycle gave me EQ and Win (inj). Now I personally don't do anything without test, but either way, the worst of it was that he said go ahead and mix 1cc EQ and 1cc win (water-based) in the same syringe twice a week.
TweetMine was" just inject that sus250 with the 20 gauge pin it comes with" the bathroom of a TJ bar of course.
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