Tweetwatch the guys shoulder on the far left.......
Tweetwatch the guys shoulder on the far left.......
TweetWtf... Is Right..
TweetThere is something defiintely amiss with that guys shoulder! LOL!!
Really I have no words...other than Eww!
TweetI believe it was an abcess that burst when he flexed.
Tweeti am guessing and hope he injected something in there
TweetIt looks like he injected ESO ISO Or a Pump n Pose like Product!!! Maybe a abscess...but I doubt it...It would of been a lil more bloody IMO...Never the least it looked pretty bad!!
Everything I say is Roll Play!
TweetThat was an abcess. he probably popped it before but didnt come out. Sometimes its not bloody till the end.
TweetThat was cool!!!!!!!!lol
TweetOh man!!! looks like an infected abscess, that is happening a lot in these days since they are many people sticking shit in their bodies... also pay close attention to the correct injection procedure... before any symptoms of possible abscess, using treatments of anti-inflammatory and antibiotics, if treated early abscess can be avoided ..
Last edited by ARISTIMUQOH; 08-01-2009 at 06:49 AM.
TweetHOLY SHIT!!!!!
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