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    Thread: BROS MY ASS! An Expose'

    1. #1
      apollo is offline Banned
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      Default BROS MY ASS! An Expose'

      I dont have much faith in the boards anymore to be honest. People running around who are'nt good bros- all over the place, drama queens and what seems to be a bunch of young selfish punks with egos way bigger than than their realities living through a false reality- the boards. What happened to a brotherhood of guys taking their brothers' best interest at heart along with their own? Sources who only give a shit about money and guys who only give a shit about cheapness. WTF?
      Disclaimer: The following was written to me by one of the lovingest bros I know who happens to have a deep background in medicine, was a pharmacists' assistance and knowledgable in chemistry and lab science. I can vouch for it to be true how he brewed and filtered as I witnessed it with my own eyes. Here it is:
      "I'll be honest- I've been sourcing for 7 yrs and Most every guy that I started with and have slowly built upon is with me still. My volume is smaller, my techniques are excrutiating(much harder and time consuming) my product is superior- if not in effectiveness- in sterility and purity. For example: I use Triamethanolamine(TEA) to purify every product cept winny. After Brewing and adding TEA you have to let it sit for a day or 2 before you filter it. Then I syringe filter every drop directly into a sterile vial(factory sterilized)- never touches air- therefore there is no bacteria- live or dead-in my product to cause a reaction. Impurities are taken out by the TEA prior to and during filtering- including, dander, allergens, bacteria, pollution and some viruses that feed off such impurities- and the result is a fine, Pure, ph balanced, sterile product. TEA also PH balances products brewed in EO which is neccessary. Even though I know no one gives a shit nor do they know- I do this anyways. I'm not tooting my own horn bro- but it's the only example I know of putting being a good bro over money- which I know fuels this business but One does not have to be a slave to it nor sell their soul to it nor sell their brothers' health to it. It is careless and medically stupid to Brew up a ton of shit- Unscrew the filter top which creates a vacuum that sucks air including all bacteria, virus's(which BA does not kill) and particles in the surrounding environment ie. pet dander, human dander and tons of other shit to equal pressure. Then- god forbid they open the sterile vial and pour in the product! Yeah, the BA will kill the bacteria- but how does the body react to dead bacteria? How about usually like it does to live bacteria- then when it adjusts- it stops reacting to it- which lowers it's response to live bacteria. Alot of times people get colds or other viral sickness while on but it may be coming from virus's in the bottle. Could be. I actually had a bro that had an out break of fever blisters that he could not figure out how he got it- He had'nt had any exposure to any other human for 2 weeks- not even the gym- because He took a shot of Enan and EQ and got Roid flu- then he got real sickness- then 10 days after the shot he broke out in fever blisters. He never left the house and He had been broken up and depressed over it with his girl for a month which was why he was going to start a cycle to get his game back on. 10 days is within the time that it takes herpes to incubate on the shorter end. The process I have seen used by most sources: goes Brew- simple enough and bacteria and virus's can still get in at this time but the chances can be way lessened with certain techniques. Then they pour into a filter top unit that came sterile but when the bottom seal protecting the sterility of the bottom is broken in the open- sterility is loss. Then- The glass media bottle usually sterilized by the good, caring sources(which are using homade sterilizing techniques at best)- forget the unscrupulous, greedy, fast ones- is opened creating a vacuum to equalize pressure, allowing all things included in the air in with it- viruses, bacteria, dander, allergens, etc...
      Then product is filtered and bacteria and most allergens are filtered out- but viruses are a whole other story. For example: Most bacteria and fungus including the ones that cause certain STD's probably wont fit through a microscopic hole in a condom- BUT the viruses including the HIV virus could fit through as a mouse walking through a doorway in relation to size. .2 microns does not filter out tons of viruses. Then, Once filtered - How is the liquid transfered? Well, if you are one of these high volume guys- How are you gonna transfer it? Are you gonna draw into a sterile syringe using sterile technique and shoot in a maximum of 6 10ml bottles at a time- then use sterile technique and draw out another 60ml in a 60ml syringe and do so each time? That's very very time consuming! You have to vent each bottle also with another needle and truly it's best to only do one at a time so that air is only being forced out- not getting sucked in through the needle into the sterile vial in a vacuum. Or Are they gonna open sterile vial and pour in what they know to be over 10ml just to be sure and faster and if they care and are very coordinated or have a partner- MAYBE they will cap each vial as they pour- before they pour another one in, but what's the use at this point? Then they hope the BA will kill all bacteria in your impure vial of injectible steroids going into the sterile environment of your body. Of course all that dead bacteria is going in as well as all impurities, allergens, toxins(what if your source smokes or lives in a polluted city?), and god forbid your source has herpes or a fever blister on his mouth while he's breathing into your vial as he pours. So, sure- go spend $23 on 1,000 bottles of juice sell it to your so called bros for $50 or $60 and newbs for $100-$125. Then you are the same money hungry or power hungry peice of shit your source is. You cant lie to your subconscience and Nature made us all good creations even if our experiences have'nt so you will pay the price bc nature also created universal justice. What you thought the courts did LMAO!
      Larimar Flow hoods? I saw one source who actually used one and he only used it to pour product from media bottle to opened sterile vial. He was a good bro. Actually gave a shit. I'm not saying more dont use one. But I've personally seen 3 that claimed to that did'nt. It's also tedious working under one of those with proper technique. A little time consuming."

      There's the truth. I was talking to a certain IDIOT oxyconton-head source that recently used to source here and bros he was clueless.
      He told me how he accidently got his powder source which I'll admit was CHEAPER than any I've known of. He had no idea about brewing and chemistry and I mean on simple things like how to do a melting point test. He wasted 100's of grams trying to brew winny- I helped him by informing him PEG winny crippled and gave him a better formula. He also stated he left it on the burner to long and and it turned brown. He then informed me that he could'nt tell the difference between cyp and deca and that the only way he knew was by the numbers on the packs- of course i believed this to be bullshit and that he truely was trying to scam me- at least when added with some other bullshit he tried to manipulate with. See- Most of you have no idea what goes on behind the scenes- but it aint pretty! I have e-mails that i believe I can get a mod or 2 to vouch to where he admitted having an oxy conton problem and haviong 500 of them. He also threatened to nark on me
      and I'm saying he threatened to do the same thing to a friend of mine. I could go on and on and on but you know what the sad part was?
      Alot of ya'll were sucking his cock because he was offering $25 bottles of shit with labels that looked like a symbol for a winged super heroe. Fucking SAD!
      I'm not saying he was'nt using real gear. He was- so his shit worked. He was'nt smart enough to do like some other sources that I know and claim one thing to be another- like methyl test is dbol or some other shit I seen supposedly good bros and sources do. And alot of ya'll were sucking there cocks too! I'm hoping that it's because ya'll dont know any better. otherwise you're a piece of shit just like they were and your time will be limited just like there's was. The truth always reveals it's self to those who are'nt just looking at what they can get or are getting out of something- ie the not just selfish people.
      My best bro though no more of a bro than myself or any other real bro has been in business 7 years without incident- of the legal persuasion(at least to do with gear) He's bros with everyone of his clients. his TA is'nt 2/3 days- it's 5/6, he has let customers' go because of their silly dramatic shit but he did it with respect and balls. Balls is'nt just being willing to fight- it's being willing to have the courage to come down from above everyone and let go of your ego and place your brothers on equal ground with yourself. You see ego is built as a defense mechanism out of fear. Courage is to be a good mofo no matter what- even if it does'nt make you the most money in the shortest amount of time. Even if You screw up. Alot of sources will tell you what you want to hear to get your money then do as they wish any way- they can always chump you off with extras! I'd take a source that tried his very hardest to do what he says to you no matter what. A lil over a year ago- I was sourcing a few things. I had a terrible accident- was actually in a coma.
      I owed 2 guys less than $225 combined- I had already served many others. I contacted Ronus and told him. I was not in my right mind for days so I screwed up and had my babies' mom who is apart of my loving family- log in and try to let everyone know. Less than 10 days later- I was threatened to be labelled scammer. Over $225 As I told Ronus- I would catch everyone up and take care of them regardless of their whiny : "who cares if you were in a coma- I just want my bottle of dbol now" selfish shit. I did'nt even pick up one of the funds and by the time I could it was returned to sender. Still I sent out when I was able. If I'm correct one of those fake ass bros has recently been demoted. I told ronus that I did'nt deserve such treatment nor did I need money enough to put up with such shit no matter how much I could make. So after it was publically stated by the mod and Ronus that I was a good bro. I took myself off the board.
      People reveal themselves in time- not that some of you care as long as your getting yours. But oh, you will get yours. When your IDIOT pretender source goes down because he accesses these boards from his home internet service and stores, brews, filters, bottles and labels from his house and recieves at his house and a friends' house goes down- you're going down with them or eventually because now your on a watch list. But if you're that type of cheap selfish lttle turd- you get what you deserve.
      If any of this does'nt apply to you-then dont take it personally. If it does take it how you want it. I have been holding it on my chest for a long time.
      Also, remember being a good bro is a choice we all can make. You can change it if you want. We all can change this back to the brotherhood it once was. It's us against them and if we are'nt united- we dont have a chance because they ARE united.
      All that I said- I swear to be true and if it was'nt I would'nt be enjoying the very happy life that i have but this shit has been bothering me.
      Now dont mistake me for some whimpy whiner bc I'm loving first-
      I can be as hard and tough as I wanna be- I did 8 months in the hole for uniting prisoners and I was a professional fighter- and i went down for someone elses shit before. So being powerless or whimpy aint a problem I got. Funny how one yo ass punk on here was talking about shooting people and being a gangbanger- and I ask you is this the guy you want brewing your shit? I went down for a massive paper crime that had to do with false Identities shortly after 911 and none of it was identity theft. They were all made up identities used for such things as running and hiding from the charge where i went down for someone elses shit. and also- maybe for sale for such uses as we might have and to run from trouble or those that wanted a fresh start. So, in other words All my crimes were victimless. Nothing to do with not caring about my fellow man it was just the system protecting it'sself type crimes. make no mistake- I am against being controlled by a self serving system. I am for freedom through self control, self-ownership and self- responsibility.
      I hope some weak ass punks can get a good example or at least a clue from all this.
      And if you're a real bro you already know what I'm saying or you are applauding right now.
      Or cussing me out for saying it 1st. However, I'm sure someone that thinks they are a good bro will chime in revealing theirself- lol!
      Last edited by apollo; 09-09-2009 at 12:06 PM.

    2. #2
      apollo is offline Banned
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      bump. Read it. lol ?????????????

    3. #3
      BleedingP is offline Member
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      Great stuff and unfortunately absolutely true...

    4. #4
      tilltheend Guest
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      I understand what you mean now my original post I was confused on what you wrote, read it with a clearer mind.
      Last edited by tilltheend; 09-09-2009 at 09:09 PM.

    5. #5
      nut is offline Senior Member
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      That's what's up. Good post bro.

    6. #6
      jdjack Guest
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      I hope ppl actually read what he wrote b/c its brutally honest.

    7. #7
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      great post bro

    8. #8
      Morgankane is offline Platinum Member
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    9. #9
      IFIWAS is offline Member
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      I read every word 2 times....thanks for posting the TRUTH!

    10. #10
      WaRRior45's Avatar
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      great post apollo...you can tell that came from the heart
      ~ the WaRRior

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