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    Thread: BROS MY ASS! An Expose'

    1. #51
      apollo is offline Banned
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      Money! LMAO! I drive a fucking scooter 90% of the time. If they busted me they would'nt be writing about $50,000 in cash and a corvette.

      "Oaktown police busted an alledged steroid dealer today finding A mini van with 3 car seats and a joovy big caboose stroller in the back and $1.50 in change in the change holder. Known as apollo on the boards He owns nothing in his name but a chinese motor scooter and they found $180 in cash and an account with $1,000 dollars in it. They found a not one steroid or any remnants of one in his home but they have some post alledgedly made by him on a message board. They alsop confiscated what seemed to be alot of kids pool toys, some camping gear a surfboard, scuba gear and a vast collection of lesbian porn.' Give me a fucking BREAK! Money. LMAO! I live on an older boat that does'nt even run. Yeah it's over 33' but it's just Peace. Yes I'm partners in a place in the island and yes I support my kids and their mama as she dont work but they live in a modest apt. Money- Honestly if it were'nt for my kids- I'd deliver pizza and since I only pay $350/ mo dock fees- I'd save up enough to go camping, surfing and other shit I enjoy. I dont need money to be happy - trust me. My money is not even mine- 85% of it goes to my kids or their ******* ****. I hate fucking money. If I was rich I'd probably not live much different though- I prefer living on a boat. I have a lil mazda rx 7 convertible that I'd probably put a v8 in and it's not in my name. I'd travel more doing eco shit. I 'm a nature freak. That dont cost much money.
      I do have a 14 ft small boat I go fishing in and duck hunting. But being a felon I have to borrow my ole budys' gun. Oh they would find some $100 running shoes and a set of 100 lb dumbells I use to curl and do presses with if I cant make the gym that day. Keep em in the trunk of my vert.
      Oh, I hardly ever juice anymore bc maintaining 235-240 at 6'1 and around 10% BF is easy for me. I've been thinking about starting HRT though and this is how thorough I am about security. I will have my shit hid in the marina and sneak at night to take a shot once a week. I also spend alot keeping everything seperate and out of my hands.
      Last edited by apollo; 10-06-2009 at 10:18 AM.

    2. #52
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      So true....So true!!! Good post bro.
      [SIZE="5"]Florida got the Oranges, I got the JUICE!!!

    3. #53
      apollo is offline Banned
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      Look, I'm calming down now but after being sick and on meds for a cpl of days and then spent about 8 hrs total in Production. I may have been a lil irritable. Do I retract anything I said? No. Might I have been a lil too harsh with my honesty? Yeah bc I have to understand everybody is'nt like me. I know I'm a rare bird. Not any better just coming from a different position.
      Zodiac, I need to understand the sources that have come around and went. For me I dont want that relationship with any of you guys. I dont want to use eachother. My ideals have always been a lil lofty. I'd rather have 2 or 3 straight up Bros that believe in this and care about it. That's the reason I get pissed. I truely do care about all my fellow men. Not just guys my age or into my sports or my race or my nationality- hell even the publicans love their own- if you've read the bible. I cant be like that. I go to another country- I treat those people as my brothers- never in a condesending way like I'm great for doing so. I'm more a free-loving type. As much as I love other beings I hate the braintraining we recieve in America from media, spoon feducation and our Govt. and allcountries from religion. So I dont always like what people do or say but I understand alot of times they've been subtley lead to believe it's right or ok.
      Now as much as I'd rather hug you like you were my brother when I see you(anyone) I wont take shit from ANYBODY foreign or domestic black purple or a hermaphrodite. I follow natures laws and when man's laws or ideas are against nature- I ABSOLUTELY side with Nature. I believe that as men we are the physical rulers of the universe and that better be respected by others and ourselves and that we should never give that power away. I love men.
      I hate what is against nature. I hate outside control. destruction of privacy and freedom. Not freedom as license to do whatever one want but freedom through self-responsibility. I believe that our natural alchemy of being testosterone governed is good as womens alchemy of being estrogen governed is good to. In all of natutre those 2 are harmonious except in the trained human mind that the govt wants to divide and conquer as one method to control. Battle of sexes and racial bullshit is shoved down our throat! When I go to the Dominican Republic- I see much poorer people- much happier people- much less governed people and a wilder country. Call me crazy but I like it. IMaybe there's a very slight predujice with the haitians but the light skinned and dark skinned Dominicans that I see treat eachother as equals. I stay at my friends house over there and the electricity may go out for 8 or so hours a day/night and he lives off a dirt road and he dont drive a cadillac but all hes always laughing and smiling and hugging and kissing his 100 friends. Here we got conflict with someone al the time. I believe being slaves to dollars is a huge part of that. I hate Corporations.
      All I'm saying is this:
      I'm gonna make money doing what I do. I know that. To me that money does'nt mean things. It means being Free. Free to live outside of govt taxes and hoops to jump through and without outside control- freedom for me and my bros to be even more manly in an all to feminine and queer nation. Free to do with OUR bodies as we wish and take responsibility for it.
      But what the fuck does it all mean if I'm just a selfish motherfucker and dont care about my brothers health? It means a moving spot of 6'1 237 lbs- nothing more- in other words if it's all about self- it means very little and I'll get caught bc my subconsciousness will lead me to get caught or be self destructive. However, if it means all of us bros, our rights and our freedom and even Love. I am a part of something much greater and more important than myself or my agenda. That is what this community should be about. That is being brothers in a fight for our freedom and natural rights to be FREE MEN. I told you I am a warrior- this is my fight. And for mine and our freedom. Mental freedom especially.
      That's where I'm coming from Mis Hermanos.
      I been a selfish studly mof'r b4. just partying and fuckin hoes and stripping on tour or bein a pro wrestler in Japan and PR and pimpin a 500sec amg benz all jacked and lean and quite honestly I'm a good looking mofo. But I was self destructive because my subconscious hated what I was being. I also was a mean mofo and hurt alot of people too. At some point I made a promise to myself to learn to heal and heal more bros than I hurt. I became a chiropractor not licensed, accupressurist, took my Navy/Marine medical training much further- studied and I even had the prison gaurds coming to me to help them and their families. A lil Jail/Prison time(8 mos of it in the hole for uniting prisoners in a peaceful protest for our rights) gave me time to realize I could no longer damage my subconsciousness by being a selfish prick. Being an extremeist- as most of us are- I took it to the extreme opposite. That's why I been here for 7 years and that's why I'm a different type source and one you can trust.
      That's why it hurts my feelings and therefore pisses me off when I'm accused of being a fake. Because this is what my life is about and sacrificed for. I wont change it regardless unless Something or someone above me shows me my fight is wrong but I see every day it is not.
      Last edited by apollo; 10-06-2009 at 02:49 PM.

    4. #54
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      Apollo, your'e a little weird man...you and Kai should talk....honestly, I want to try that gear you speak of.....yes, poor countries are better...thailand and singapore are my favorite...I stepped on those yellow footprints in '92-MCRD-SD.-

    5. #55
      tilltheend Guest
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      Apollo when i accused you of being someone else i meant nothing wrong. I was not saying your a scammer or a different source, i was just thinking you were a regular old brother on the boards who just made up an alias for security reasons and I was saying if I talk to you previously i did not want to offened you and I had no clue who you might be this shit is easy for anyone to jump into , and theres nothing wrong with that everyone does that. i apologize that i offended you and accused you of being someone else even though i meant the accuasation in a different way than you thought. you keep twisting my words. You keep assuming. I am nothing like you think. I promise. Your views on things you have no idea how much i have already thought the same thing. To me it sounds like you lived a dream life.good for you. Me my life isn't noone owes me shit i could end up in a box tomorrow, noone would care but a few and the world would move on and i know this. I am not your average 21 year old. All i meant to you when i said not deal with you is i didn't want to. You seemed to of bashed tons things in your posts and maybe you didn't maybe i assumed. Everyone has to start somewhere. To me you came on made this expose, then a list comes up. I understand your views totally, i totally agree on keeping everyone free and strong. I try to watch for suspicous people to help guys like you. It all got blown out of proportion, i guess i should of never said fuck you, and just said i did not want to talk to you is all. Again i apologize. And I edit my posts because I go back and read them and see how to get my point across better.
      Last edited by tilltheend; 10-06-2009 at 04:47 PM.

    6. #56
      tilltheend Guest
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      and I never called you a fake ever search all through my posts I never said you were a fake, and I never implied it.

    7. #57
      apollo is offline Banned
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      Aj help this cat. Seriously. Something's off here.
      Slow down Jr. Make sure you say what you mean to and slowly re-read what you say and that it is what you want to say and then stand behind it. Bc every time i've corrected you or called you on something- you've had to go back and say you meant something else.
      Maybe you're just testing your boundaries (like young men will do) where it's safe on a msg. board? Maybe you really dont get it? Maybe it's something else? Maybe youre trying to follow AJ and police things up a bit- I dont know exactly. All I know is that you're barking up the wrong tree.
      I am not your enemy. I have helped more newbs than I can remember. I'm not bashing newbs. I'm bashing the fucked up way sources and customers deal with eachother and guys that come on here with either mal intent, totally selfish intent or that dont consider others equally valueable aka no brotherhood. Sources, customers, and members alike. But one does'nt have to participate or be part of the brotherhood and that is ok as long as he dont take from it or try to do harm to anyone. I have no problem with guys who log on and read and never contribute- negatively or positiveley. Keeping to themselves is perfectly fine.
      It's the lies and manipulations and even made up shit and the mal intent or totally selfish at others' expense that screw these boards up.
      Ask aj what I'm talking about. He gets frustrated too. You obviously relate to him a lil better. I'm kinda raw and redneck and he speaks a lil more educated. LOL! But he cares- I care otherwise I'd spend alot less time and make alot more money. I certainly would'nt post and source. I'd just source. Let the old hat lies do the selling- that would be the best business ploy. Not me speaking blunt truth that probably scares away alot of customers. But good- I dont want those customers anyway.

    8. #58
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      Ok I am sorry for the problem I caused with you. I backed down already and I never stood up I spoke what I did, I believe 110% what you say about your products and I never said they weren't what you say. If we were face to face and you are what you say you would pound the fuck out of me. From a personal stand point I am nothing but a blade of grass compared to you and I understand this.You win, you already won it before what you thought was started was started bro, lets just drop it.

    9. #59
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      And when I go back and edit my posts bro it is before anyone even responded to them. I just wanted to get that across and I made a new posts so I don't keep editing them, this popped into my head after I posted.

    10. #60
      apollo is offline Banned
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      Bump origonal post.

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