My days are usually a routine, which is deadly if you're in LE. But anyway, no matter what time I wake up, I have to get back to bed around 10:30-11 A.M. and up by 12:30 P.M. to get going for work. So as usual, I rush out of the house around 1:15 p.m. and stop at the 7-11 store a block away to pick up a sandwich and a drink for lunch. Nothing unusual about me, so I thought. As I parked, I noticed a Burbank PD car in the driveway and what do you know, just as I walked in, his eyes are all on me watching my every move. Not because I look suspicious or because I got a well visible weapon on me or anything. But it was because I was wearing one of my favorite t-shirt....The TESTOSTERONE shirt. Then I'm standing in line behind the dude and, once again, he turns around pretty much eyeing my shirt.

I wanted to die laughing at the guy. From my LE experiences, I was waiting for him to ask some stupid interrogative question because I was ready for it. It was obvious that the guy seemed suspicious about my shirt. DAMN, haven't he seen the t-shirts that alot of people are wearing with the marijuana leaf on them?