Quote Originally Posted by fullybuilt View Post
Here in cali the mexican men either are immigrants and work their ass off and the other %80 are gang bangin drug dealers just a big waste to our society. The women are at the park with their 937children drinking fanta's and just being lazy fucks. They dont even work, just pop out kids. Its terrible. Everywhere you go the traffic is more, the lines are longer,etc.. b/c they average the highest amount of children over any other race. They also look at whites like "we" dont belong here. They arent grateful to be here. Thats the worst part, that they arent grateful to be in this country with all of its benefits with all the help they get. Lets see how much help we get in mexico.
lmao! if ya can't feed em' then don't breed em'! shit,i do landscaping so you can imagine what i gotta work with.a few are pretty decent family guys but most others are just backstabbers.as for the interacial thing...i love me a thick black chick once in a while,not the video hood rats but a nice chick,but when i see a white woman with a brother i flip the hell out.i know,kinda messed up right?the italian-irish-polish neighborhood where i grew up is now rife with gang bangin scum of the earth thugs on every corner.there was a time way back when if you weren't from that area even the old italian ladies would hit you with a bat and chase you away,all the time screaming in italian.now all you hear is "know what i mean,see what i'm sayin,yo you dig me,check it out right,o.k. son...and so on.where have all the good times gone??????