Aromatization: None, however due to HCG use testosterone levels increased andaromatize was a potential side effect
- Active-Life: 64 hours
- Drug Class: Luteinizing Hormone (LH) - Gonadotropin
- Average Reported Dosage: Men 2000-5000 i.u. injected every 5th day
- Acne: Yes
- Water Retention: Yes, HCG is a female hormone.
- Liver Toxic: None
HCG is used medically to positively influence ovulation in women, and to help produce estrogen. It is also utilized in fertility medicine to aid in ovulation.
Male bodybuilders used HCG for another important reason. HCG is almostexactly the same amino acid sequence as Luteinizing Hormone (LH). LH is normallyproduced in the pituitary gland which is then circulated to the testes where it contacts theLeydig cells. The Leydig cells then produce androgens such as testosterone. Obviouslythis means so-called natural bodybuilders reported use of HCG to increase endogenous(natural) testosterone levels. According to some clinical studies this works so well that aninjection of 1500-2000 i.u. of HCG has increased plasma testosterone levels 200-300%over normal levels. For those males who utilized high aromatizing AAS, HCG was a"partial" cure for restarting natural testosterone production either mid or post-cycles.
When administering exogenous (occurring outside the body) androgens, such asAAS, the body's endocrine system shuts down (partially of completely) natural androgenproduction in an attempt to maintain homeostasis. This is simply because thehypothalamus senses the excess estrogens from AAS aromatization (and to a lesserdegree elevated androgen levels) and signals the pituitary (hypophysis) to partially orcompletely stop producing LH and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone). Since the Leydigcells in the testes do not receive the signal from LH, they partially or completely shutdown testosterone production. Sperm production is also reduced as a result of FSH downregulation.Because the testes are not producing androgens and/or sperm at their normallevel, the testes shrink. This often causes a drop in libido too. Many heavy AAS usersreported sexual dysfunction for a brief (Brief?) period post-cycle.
So what did the men do about “the boy’s”? HCG injections act as a replacementfor the LH normally produced by the pituitary gland which normally stimulates androgenand sperm production by the testes. When 2000-5000 i.u. of HCG was injected every 5thday for 2-3 weeks, mid or post-cycle, the testes began to function again. Also an increasein total testosterone was realized and athletes often made some of their best gains at thispoint. It also helped to keep the "significant other" significantly happy! When HCG wasadministered beginning the last week of an AAS cycle and for an additional 1-2 weekspost-cycle, testes function normalized again and much of the common post- AAS cyclemuscle mass and strength loss was avoided. However, our athletes were not out of thewoods (with acceptable wood) quite yet. Earlier, I mentioned that HCG has been autilized as a "partial cure" for the shut-down of the hypothalamus-pituitary-testes-axis(HPTA). HCG only "replaces" natural LH. The pituitary and hypothalamus part of theHPTA still sense no reason to produce gonadotropins and restore normal LH/FSHproduction. So ending HCG administration sometimes only brought on another crash. Butstaying on HCG for more than 3 weeks without at least a month off between HCG cyclescould cause permanent gonadal dysfunction and/or a desensitizing of Leydig Cells. Malebodybuilders commonly used Clomid or Cyclofenil with HCG (*See Clomid for moreinfo). Available literature shows that Clomid stimulates the pituitary to release moregonadotropin so a quicker and elevated level of LH and FSH are realized. By followingan AAS cycle with 2000-5000 i.u. HCG every 5th day for 2-3 weeks and ingestingClomid for the last 10-15 days of HCG administration many athletes noted that musclemass and strength losses post AAS cycle were significantly avoided. Many athletes alsoused Clenbuterol at this point. (*See Clenbuterol for more info)
*It should be noted that administration of HCG will increase plasma testosteronelevels 200-300% or more. Therefore all of the negative side effects of testosterone injectionscan apply to a lesser degree.