Quote Originally Posted by BLAST INC View Post
the black guy looked like a blood gang member with his LOCS dookie braids and red/black suit

man i dont know if you know whats going on in socal but its all us hispanics vs blacks

the black crips and bloods are killling eachother in south central LA and San diego while the mexicans are all united under SUR 13 MEXICAN MAFIA

and they wonder why we kickin them out of compton and watts and south east san diego.........

in jail or the pen us southsiders (mexicans) all stick together
there are paisas ( who are mexican nationals) who kick it NEAR us but they are not a part of us. They back us up when were waring though.

on the yard the black are together but broken up into subsets

crips bloods vicelords GD's folk etc

one cool thing most of you will appreciate is most all grafitti artists get the shit kicked out of them when they get to jail

we have strict rules with southside - if you do a driveby you have to have your feet on the asphalt or cement before firing, you cant bang on O.G's due to respect even if they your worst enemy, you have to pay taxes to MM, most all gangs have to earn and attach a 13 to their name (VEV BTS13 ) is where i used to be from

black gangs dont have any rules to abide by, which is why they are so careless in who they take out. A mexican gang member shoots a crip, and the crip shoots 5 innocent mexican nationals instead of the mex gang bangers for revenge.

neighborhoods get greenlighted all the time for not paying taxes to mexican mafia, like FLORENCE 13 IN SOUTH CENTRAL , and a friends neighborhood got greenlighted the other week in gardena becuase the homeys in the pen were gettin dope and not payin up

crazy world fellas

good thing i got out

bless all the street survivors

My 14 year old homeboy Rider got Shot and paralized last month ., he was smackin our enemies with hammers on one street, they went down the block behind the 99cent store and started stompin out two more enemies. Well one got up ran away down an alley turned around and bucked my homeboy now hes paralyzed

My friend Spider went gang banging on his 18th birthday with this fool aboo and shadow and went in with some pea shooters 22's . they went to the enemy HQ and they had an AK and smoked my homeboy on his 18th birthday


This dude Bigboy from a rival neighborhood was 15 and they chased him all the way to his house and he got blasted infront of his mom

Ive had my hat shot off my head, truck shot up, truck rammed by another vehicle, tires slashed, they came after my fam and jumped my poor old mom, yes i got revenge but im still haunted to this day on what happend

gang bangin aint worth it homeboys

last year my good friend Zipperface was tagging and enemies saw him and chased him down by the 7-11 and he tried to run into 711 but clerks held door shut. they stabbed him a few times he ran and got about 50 yards when he collapsed, the mother fuckers had a hatchet and cut him into pieces @ 10pm nighttime on a major street

well the car that was used in the gang banging was similiar to the one my neighborhood was known to go bangin in, a mustang, and so detectives came to my homeys pad for a homicide investigation

then they raided a few of the homeys pads and are still trying to put us on a gang injunction. I havent gang banged in 2 years.

mexicans are strict in jail about BROWN ON BROWN violence now ( mex vs mex) you get socked the fuck up if you kill another mexican (raza)

just kickin some knowledge to those who dont know what that wicked ass street life is like
the best thing i can do is make sure my newborn son dont choose these path ways and isnt subjected to the same bullshit i had been subjected too. Thats the gift of paying it forward.

I dont condone any of the above information. Im here to help,
All that just because of a video with an old guy givin a black dude a little quick beat down? Damn busta