Hey guys,

need some help.

Got a friend who's been using gear for at least 3yrs straight, maybe even 4 or 5. But he stays away from the harsher stuff and uses anywhere from 200mg-600mg per week of goodies. Sometimes its test only 200mg per week, sometimes its test + Eq for a total of 400mg per week or whatever. Once in a while he'll use 3 different injects but thats it. He's hardly ever touched any orals over the years and when he did, it was only for 1-2 mos at a time of dbol.

Long story short, he exercises regularly and tries to eat right. Takes a multivitamin 3x per day, drinks at least 1/2 gallon of water per day, eats normal size meals at least 3x per day. He's been getting his blood work checked every year or so for about 10yrs now.

Of course his LDL (bad cholesterol) has been slightly elevated and his HDL (good cholesterol) has been low for most of that time. Not to mention his triglycerides and blood pressure has been borderline from high normal to high over the past few years. Obviously his LH, FSH, and test levels are pretty much non-existent. (those last 3 are a "given" whenever you stay on gear for over 3 mos at a time)

I'm not sure if he's ever had kidney values checked before -he's checking on his past labs and will LMK- but his new Dr. recently checked them and it doesnt look good. His kidneys are only filtering about 50% of what normal kidneys filter per day.

Has anybody else ever had this problem? What do you think caused it? What did you do to fix it or bring it back close to normal?

~ his stats~

He's between 30-40yrs old, nearly 6' tall, 200lbs, about 10% bodyfat, and has no family history of kidney disease.

So far his Dr. told him to stay off the juice for good, stay away from TV dinners, processed foods and excess salt, and eat more fruits + vegetables. Oh yeah, plus the Dr. seems to think bringing his blood pressure down to the middle of the normal range will be a big help, so he prescribed an ACE inhibitor and wants to recheck his kidneys in 1 month.

What do you guys think? Has this ever happened to anyone? It's a little scary (I would think).

I did some research on side effects caused by steroids, and kidney issues were minimal at best. Especially when staying away from Anadrol and other 17A-Alkalated orals.

He doesn't really want to stop the juice, he loves all the good things it does for you, but then again when your health is in question...