For the life of me I cant understand why my ex always trys and hurt me by useing my sons, wtf. I give her 1100 $ a month support,get my boys almost eod,coach their football teams,buy cloths and do what I can take em fishing show em nature the best I can. It never fails though since she is a scorned woman she always trys and not let me get my boys over the pettyist shit unreal. We got into tonight over this, she asked my sons to take off their cloths that are kept at my house and put hers on, I know it sounds like no big deal but to be honest I dont want them to have to do that they can wear the cloths from my house home who cares it just puts in the little heads more and more how mom and dad arent together. It really messes with my oldest I think. Sorry to vent just dont understand why she wouldnt want to be on great terms with me when all i do is help as much as I can, just pisses me off.