
I fucked up big time with her...I feel like a piece of shit!

I partnered up with a supplement company, it took me 6 months of research, and lots of thinking about it took. I made the decision 2 months ago.
It is an at home business basically, for those who are familiar with MLM

Anyhow, the objective is to move the product, which can be used by both athletes and or regular people--not gym goers.

Because I am traing to build my team, my plan is to have strong people work with me.
One of my ex is a dentist adminstrator, she has contact and access to TONS of chicks who would be perfect for the product.
I also dated a doctor a couple of years ago, and she and I say hello from time to time.

Well I sent BOTH women emails in relevance to the product. I did this Wed noonish.
My girlfriend is very insecure, so I always follow proper steps in order to make her feel comfortable. She had a guy fuck around on her in the past. So she has insecurities.
I own a restaurant as many of you know, I love being a chef. So getting in business with a product that may retire me in some years, really called my attention.

My girlfriend went through my emails that day after I left for work. Of course in my sent files she found both emails to the girls.
Last night the shit hit the fan LARGE!!!!!!

We got into a real heavy argument....I betrayed her trust. I contacted my past.
What works with me in this situation, is that BOTH emails are very direct, and product oriented. No chit chat, no personal level words at all.

I have nothing to hide.

We are both a mess right now.
I booked everything off today, I do not care. I am home all day, she went to work, she owns a business too, but can not take the day off.

I am fucking toren apart.

I thank God I have prop laying around. I will poke myself a couple of times.

clean the house, eat, and veg.

What a mess!!!!