• Pharmaceutical Name: Testosterone Undecanoate
  • Chemical Name:4-androstene-3-one-17b-ol
  • Cutting/Bulking: Cutting
  • Anadolic Rating:100
  • Active -Life: Less than 8 hours
  • Drug Class: Androgenic/Anabolic Steroid (Oral)
  • Average Reported Dosage: Men (only) 240-320 mg daily, Women Not Reccomended
  • Acne: Low
  • Water Retention: No
  • High Blood Pressure: Rare (Dosage related)
  • Liver Toxic: Low
  • DHT Conversion: Significant in higher dosage administration
  • Decreases HPTA functions: Low, except in higher reported dosages (above 320mg)
  • Aromatization: Low-moderate.
  • Average Price: N/A
Andriol is one of two versions of orally active testosterone (the other being methyltestosterone). Wheras Methyltestosterone is (as you can tell from the name) a methylated version of testosterone, Andriol uses a very unique (and often inneffective) delivery method. Andriol is simply Testosterone Undecanoate in oleic acid (an oil), which is encapsulated. Currently the formula includes castor oil and propylene glycol laurate instead of oleic acid, but that is simply to increase the shelf life. Once ingested, the testosterone undecanoate is absorbed through the mucosal cells in the small intestine which is part of the lymphatic system of your body. This Testosterone Undecanoate then has the Undecanoate Ester cleaved off by your body's esterases, and what you are left with (hopefully) is roughly 25mgs of testosterone which was put into your body orally, but not passed through your liver (which would usually be a liver-toxic process). As a comparison, Methyltestosterone is passed through your liver and is generally thought to be one of the most liver-toxic steroids on the market. To further give a reference for this compound, Methyltestosterone will also give you roughly 25mgs of testosterone per tablet. Some testosterone, whether you inject it or ingest it orally will be converted into DHT (dihydrotestosterone) by the 5-Alpha-Reducatas enzyme. DHT has a high affinity for androgen receptors, which is why many DHT-based compounds are exceptionally good cutting agents. Andriol converts to DHT at a reasonably high rate, and thus does not aromatize into estrogen at a high rate like other testosterone. The reasons behind this are still less than clear. However, this is good news to athletes who can obtain (and afford) Andriol, because generally water retention is much lower as is gynocomastia. As it has minimal estrogen conversion, the HTPA (hypothalamic pituitary testes axis) is not affected through this mechanism, and therefore Andriol may not suppress natural (endogenous) androgen (testosterone) production.
Although generally testosterone is considered a stand alone compound, Andriol is generally not used alone, and when it is, the results can be disappointing. This is probably due to the relatively inconshstent effects of using the lymphatic system to deliver testosterone. In a cycle containing other, stronger, compounds, it can provided a mild anabolic additive effect at dosages of 200(+) mg daily. Since Andriol is quickly excreted through urine release, the drug is generally taken 3-6 times daily, in equally divided doses, to maintain adequate levels of it in the blood.
Typically, Andriol would be used in a stack with some other form of testosterone (injectable) as well as perhaps another oral. Andriol will not have any liver-toxicity, so this is one of the few orals which can be used in conjunction with another one. It is most often used with another form of testosterone and a high anabolic agent like Deca Durabolin, Primobolan Depot, or Equpoise. Those compounds are generally run at around 400mgs/week, while the Andriol comes in at around 200mgs daily. as reported as a mildly Androgenic / Anabolic steroid that was best used in stacks for its excellent compatibility at dosages of 240-320 mg daily. It has also been found that while gains from Andriol are not as dramatic as with other steroids, they would appear to be somewhat more permanent and easily maintained.