I too if forced to claim a party would claim libertarian. It is not the same as liberals which appear to me to believe freedom is being free of self-responsibility whereas libertarians believe in freedom through self-responsibility. Republicans apppear to want responsibility of everyone when it behooves them but I really don't give a fuck bc I can't or it'll break my heart. I am an irlaw. One who lives irregardless of law(as much as possible). That's different than an outlaw who is rebelious and lives mostly outside of tghe law.
Being that I don't acceptg authority and therefore professors are not giving me their truth as ultimate all- truth and media - I don't consume much of it- so I'm not sold nor fed beliefs. So I see mex's point but beliefs manifested physically are called feelings and Mex you hit a nerve. I don't think he was saying let the terrosist be free or run wild. I think he was saying what we lost as a whole was not worth the life of 1 man. And that's sad. Furthermore he is not saying that he is'nt glad Bin Laden is caught or dead nor that we should'nt have hung his head from the flagpole on the whitehouse lawn. I think what he's saying about the controlment aka government being a huge threat to freedom as is terrorism is valid. Beliefs whether ultimate truth or not are the filters through which we see the world and some of you could'nt see clearly what he was trying to say bc your filters caused feelings. To me the most influential influencing the. Or perhaps almost controlling the magority which rules in a democracy is not freeom for anyone cept the magority and perhaps ultimately only for those influential. Whereas in a republic each individual has rights that are'nt outweighed by the magority. Don't think $ influences elections? Why are there. Campaign spending laws and limits that admit such?
Why am I saying all this? I have no idea bc I'll never let some pussy politician that would cower from me in god's natural world ruule me nor will I even listen to or accept their authority over the creator. So anything I say is void in thie man ruled world. How in the ffuck could I ever let the nerds in school rule me? Lol or even the people who did what it took to be popular(aka manipulative). I walked down the hall and got ass the nerds have to make me look like the bad guy, put a guilt trip on the woman then feed her ego and play her savior and be her asskisser to get her to give him any but that just gives her a disatisfied life of righteousness which no one is(righteous). It's belief that causes war. We point the finger at bin laden his point the finger at us - it's all just an attempt to be right and fucking probably fucking pathetic to nature and the creative force. Fuck bin laden, fuck the govt and fuck you too if you don't like it! And am I right? I make no claim to be- I only call how it appears to me. Will I fight you over it? I'll only fight in defense of the safety of my right to self rule and my inalienablle rights and my physical safety.