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    Thread: Blojama lost the jewish vote

    1. #11
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      Default Re: Blojama lost the jewish vote

      i sure as hell hope not. the sheep seem pretty freaking stupid as a majority unfortunately.

    2. #12
      Warhead14 is offline Senior Member
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      Default Re: Blojama lost the jewish vote

      As a traditional conservative republican in the vein of Jefferson, Franklin and what not I cant stand the man. But Im also almost religeous about another thing, self reflection, and self accountability. I see no difference at all in Obama or GW Bush, ZEEE RO. As traditional republican my first two priorities are civil liberties and fiscal conservatism. Neither which Bush or Obama have any concern for and in fact judging BY THEIR ACTIONS, have disdain and contempt for both. And the main influence that they both are under is Neo Conservatism. A bunch of former lefties came to the center and drug the right left of center, and the left right of left. Its where we are today, basically we have one party with two faces. Their differences are negligible in the truest sense of the word. The Republican party used to be the party that ended wars, not committed illegal invasions without the consent of congress, but that what the Neo Conservatives are ALLLL ABOUT. They used to be the party of civil liberties, but then gave us the patriot act. They used to be fiscally conservative, but borrowed billions and billions to invade a non aggressive country in Iraq. And they both work to one end, which is a global empire under the guise of fighting terrorism. They both FORCE YOU AND I to take care of people coming into our country illeagally. Basically finanacing our own destruction. I obviously could go on and on. My point in this post is to say, dont throw rocks when you live in a glass house. We have no alternative to Obama. Ron Paul would be the only one, but he is not slick, a TMZ celeb candidate and THATS what people digest. Thats how Obama tapped in, that and simple slogans that repeat in someone mind like, YES WE CAN, Change etc... Were headed for major shit, this economy is totally fubar and people ultimatly vote with their stomochs...
      Old Ass Meathead Just Gettin By!

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