just a heads up mr obama signed the extension for the patriot act again yesterday.
as for the constitution protecting terrorist and such: here is what i think (what the sheep dont know about how we gain intel will not hurt us)
we need places like gitmo for those terrorist suspects(would you like them in our fed pens, they arent necessarily citizens)
i dont think any enemy of our country has any rights whatsoever(i include illegal aliens in this area also) you can come here legally then you will rate rights.
i have absolutely no problem with torture none whatsoever. if you do then you should goggle up nick bergs videos or the numerous other beheadings that these wonderful people that dont deserve to get sent to gitmo have posted for all to see. the russian soldier getting his throat cut out is another good one.
these people dont follow the rules so why should we. cause we are better more civilized i dont think so.

as far as invading countries trading blood for oil. i hate this theory so frigging bad 1 because in case no one noticed gas has sky rocketed ever since we went into iraq. 2. we liberated a oppressed country that in some areas was basically living in the stone age. 3. damn near every person and family that i have encountered in my vast travels to these lovely countries loves us and thanked us more than our own population does. oh wait except when every swinging dick was on the patriotic bandwagon after 9/11 funny how fast that went away. then again their are still some damn fine support out there.
sorry for the extensive rant. i love debates.