Whether you agree or not with some of the statements, it does send a message of how easily people are brainwashed and how our longing sense to belong can get the best of us.
Any and all input I'd love!
Whether you agree or not with some of the statements, it does send a message of how easily people are brainwashed and how our longing sense to belong can get the best of us.
Any and all input I'd love!
Tweetdidnt load for me x
TweetI cant even watch this dumb ass without getting sick to my stomach
Tweeti can view it now and i am with fuzo. i hate him more ever time i see or here his bs voice
TweetHe's not saying anything but the truth.
All posts & messages authored by "In Hulk" are works of fiction and for entertainment purposes only.
TweetI do not know if it is all true but there is a lot of shady shit going on with our government. Everything from the federal reserve, bail outs, obama care, stimulus package, and all these BS wars. Look at Vietnam and Korea. Vietnam alone 55,000 of our boys died for no reason what so ever. Its sick. They say these wars are to protect us, well why are we not in Iran then. Iran poses more of a threat than anyone but we could care less about them. We are in these other countries that have things we need.
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