TweetAny of you guys watch "Game of Thrones"? Friggin awesome show!!
TweetAny of you guys watch "Game of Thrones"? Friggin awesome show!!
TweetI love this show . I cant wait until the Starks kill all the Lannister family especialy that little midget . And the brother Jamie who pushed the son Bran out the window that guy has to go asap. I cant wait every week for this to come on. I didnt like the targarian sister having her brother killed but sooner or later she will have to go and the guy she married Khal Drogo he's goin g to die soon also. Great fuk'n series. I wish it was 2 hour episodes. I can go on and on,lol
TweetFuzo, next week should be awesome!! With what happened to Stark and the capture of Jamie. It's gonna get interesting! I can't wait till the incestuous(sp) boy king gets killed. well i hope he gets killed anyway. I have to get the books!
TweetI couldnt beleive they killed the king last night
Tweetjust watched it again. The Starks are gonna go ape on that incestuous group
TweetI cant believe they killed off Sean Beans character either- man first the king then him- its pissin me off too
Tweetive been waiting for this series for awhile now. my brother read the books and hads been talking them up. so watched the first few episodes with my dad over at his place and thats not happening again. that finger bang session in the third episode put an end to that. just way too awkward. the ending to the last episode was brutal. i dont think bean is going to get his head cut off that quick. anybody see the news report on him getting into a bar fight? he was with a playboy model 20yrs younger than him, defended her form some deusche, got stabbed wiht glass, and continued to order another drink and refuse hospitalization. hes the fucking man.
TweetI hope it wasnt him and I cant wait until that jamie gets it in the ass,lol and his midget brother
Tweeti'm a little pissed that the season final is this weekend. Only 10 episodes?
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