Re: merica's AAA Rating as US Debt Downgraded for First Time Ever

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you can't really lay all the blame on the guy.. George Bush did alot of this.. This has been building or I should rephrase that .. collapsing for sometime.
It really didn't matter who was elcted this past time.. it's very doubt this mess could even remotely have been cleaned up in one term of office.. so of course whomever won the seat of Presidency would be blamed..
I'm really not sure how we are going to break free of this whole mess..
A couple things may help but won't solve it.. Just a step in the right direction
Making outsourcing far more expensive than it would be to hire people inside the US borders
Make importing the same. (Alot of US based companies have move manufacturing to cheaper countries)
Hold the true people that own the federal reserve accountable for all the money they have printed out of thin air.. It needs to go back to having to back up the dollar with Gold.
While they print this worthless paper, we get further and further in debt on the interest.. Our time and sweat goes to pay that interest and for what.. money they just conjoured up out of thin air... There is nothing backing it and nothing to stop them from printing more.. Hell, why not.. If you as a US citizen keep paying the interest on that shit.. they'll keep doing it.
the federal reserve nothing more than a privately owned banking system that our government protects
While we are getting poorer by the day, The rich keep getting richer.. Did you know that there are more rich people in the world now than there was back in 2007.. You would think with all the banks and fanny mae, along with half of wall street tanking .. It would be just the opposite.. But it's not..
so enought ranting for the night
i'm interested in how you guys think we can dig our ways out of alll this mess before the economy collapses completely
I agree with you whole-heartedly on everything you've said. This disaster is (and has been) long-time coming. There isn't a single person who could turn this around in four years with how far downhill everything is gone, and whoever got elected this past time around was gonna be the scapegoat.
No weapon formed against me shall prosper
And any tongue that rises in judgement against me
Thou shall condemn
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