TweetShould Drugs be Legalized??
anytype of drugs. Since everyone can get it anyway
TweetShould Drugs be Legalized??
anytype of drugs. Since everyone can get it anyway
TweetI'd say marijuana should be definitely legalized as it does have benefits and the research is out there but the flakes in Congress don't think so.
However drugs like cocaine and heroin should not be legalized as these are truly dangerous substances.
No Pain No Gain
Tweetcertain ones yes.. others no..
Tweeti'd say yes but thru a doctor.England has a program,not sure if it still exists,where doctors prescribe heroin in small doses to addicts who still use while on methadone and choose to live life as an's not enough for them to get blasted but just enough for them to function.crime rate has dropped and arrestts for sales on the street also dropped.this whole war on drugs is a farce.our country allows more narcotics to "slip" thru the cracks then any's sales provide alot of money for undercover operations.if they legalized it imagine the amount of tax dollars the country would receive.
since the dawn of time man has tried and found everyway possible to get to that place in his mind he wants to go.drugs will never ever stop.people are always gonna find a way to get them,use them and make money off of them.legalize them but with's pretty evident this whole war thing is not even close to making a dent in stopping them.just my opinion of course...
"Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are."
Tweetthis is a sticky situation. i can see the benefit of reducing crime because if you can go to a pharmacy instead of meeting a shady character in a dark alley then there is some benefit. I also see the tax revenue benefit for the country. But i still think it's going to lead to illegal drug trade because people would have to go to a doc, geta script, get it filled. Since the drugs would be produced by companies now those companies could still control supply and demand and therefore control the pricing. This could still lead to underground labs making cheaper alternatives to the rx stuff and it would still lead to theft of legitimate products. So how is it really deterring crime and the illegal trade. I think of it just like people who are addicted to pain meds. sure you could get them by rx but most just go the illegal route.
"when all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed."
Tweeti would say yes. look at what were getting for what its costing. i would also say things would have to be looked at to see what problems might become if we did. i say if you want to get high as a kite and almost kill yourself then do it to it. if the death rate goes up bc people OD on it then fine we need to get rid of there weak ass. but i dont know if we did if the crime rate would go up thats the only thing i worry about if we did.
if you look at all of the people in jail bc of drugs thats alot of people. i say alot of them dont need to be there bc all they did was deal. never pulled gun on anybody yea if they killed somebody along with dealing then yes they should be there. a few years back i had a good friend caught with 2500lbs yea i know not a small amount he worked a reg job went to the gym sang in a band he never had this amount with him but had dealings of it here and selling it. they busted him and he wouldnt rat and got 11.5years of fed time. are you kidding me this is a guy who worked and paid taxes not a volient person by no means look at what that cost the goverment now. how much money did they spend on him and how much money did they lose from his taxes and now have to take care of him in a federal prison...
TweetWith proper enforcement and regulation, crime should not even be a problem. Look at how the Dutch did it...hardly any drug related crime there when they legalized hash and weed.
No Pain No Gain
Tweeti never smoked weed. but in my opinion i say let people smoke it up.... tax it like beer or smokes...
Tweetyup.never heard of anyone getting smoked up and goin on a robbing spree or killing people.cigarettes and alcohol kill more people in this country than pot heads.let them smoke i say.
"Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are."
Tweeti have mixed feelings about legalization.......for the recovering addict legalizing will not stop them from doing it and probably make it worse........for others though they might stop since there would be no thrill of doing something not legal......
please be aware of the laws of your country regarding aas
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