TweetContest will begin on 10/22.
Starting on 10/22, I will hide 5 Halloween icons in various posts around the forums. Then again on 10/27, I will hide 5 more icons for a total of 10 all together. I will post the first 5 icons, that you need to find, in this thread tomorrow.
The icons will be hidden in the following forums (not the sub-forums):
Competitive Body Building
Training & Injuries
Diet & Supplements & Nutrition
Steroid Discussion
HGH, IGF-1 and Insulin
1. Find the posts that the icons are hidden in and pm me the thread title, or thread url. (icons will NOT be in sticky threads or polls)
2. If you are the first one to find all 10, then you win!!
3. Contest will run through 10/31 unless all icons are found before. Winner will be announced on 11/1.
*Icons will be hidden somewehere in the most recent 10 threads in that forum.
*I will post updates, periodically, of who is winning!
Come on and participate, and have fun with this! Also, in the process, you may come across some good info that you may have missed!