Iraq Pullout
so what is everyone's take on this one? political move on the administrations part for the re-election run? keep in mind, iraq asked us to extend the stay with their help funding it until they are more stable.
personally right or wrong to go there, i feel it is a slap in the face to the lives lost there to pull out of an unfinished job, so that it has to be done again in the future. just my 2cents though
Re: Iraq Pullout
I would rather die trying to finish what I'm counted on accomplishing then stop before a promised job never gets completed!
Re: Iraq Pullout

Originally Posted by
so what is everyone's take on this one? political move on the administrations part for the re-election run? keep in mind, iraq asked us to extend the stay with their help funding it until they are more stable.
personally right or wrong to go there, i feel it is a slap in the face to the lives lost there to pull out of an unfinished job, so that it has to be done again in the future. just my 2cents though
Yup, its a political move for sure....And all the sudden we got Osamba, Gadaffi and a host of other terrorist all withing the last few months.... Looks good on Odumba's resume'.
Oh....And we'll be back in Iraq and Afghanistan ....I give it 6 months to a yr.
Re: Iraq Pullout
There's too much at stake to pull out of there...the lives lost, the money spent, the private companies that have contracts to be there, which equates to $$$...and with the crap going on with Iran...there's too much instability in Iraq, if the U.S. were to pull out, it only leaves that country open to Iran or some other terrorist network to take it over.
Re: Iraq Pullout
i never once (since desert storm) have believed it's in our best interest to liberate any of these countries....once we do, they become modernized and start consuming oil and increase the worldwide consumption....and guess who pays the end price at the pump higher because of it? not them....the USA.....
oh and for those that don't know anything....desert storm wasn't a war or even a conflict....it was one big fucking field training exercise
Last edited by irish_2003; 10-24-2011 at 11:00 PM.
Re: Iraq Pullout

Originally Posted by
so what is everyone's take on this one? political move on the administrations part for the re-election run? keep in mind, iraq asked us to extend the stay with their help funding it until they are more stable.
personally right or wrong to go there, i feel it is a slap in the face to the lives lost there to pull out of an unfinished job, so that it has to be done again in the future. just my 2cents though
My $0.02 is this is all for political move due to elections happening. He is not gonna get relected, and he and his adminastration know it. So do everything you can to make yourself look good to get more votes!
Re: Iraq Pullout
Political move. I do believe it is pointless to try to establish a levity and just government in any middle eastern country. Let them kill each other and save our resources until they attack us, and make them regret it. I know I know, I'm not pc lol
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Re: Iraq Pullout
i think its a political move.. if iraq asked us to stay i feel we should. i will give it 6-12 months and that country will be at war again.. atleast with our forces there that region has some stabilty.. obama is lining his pockets for the election look what i've done in the last four years..
if iraq wants us to stay fine write a figure on a paper and tell them this is how much it will cost...
Last edited by apbt549; 10-25-2011 at 09:41 AM.
Re: Iraq Pullout
Obama has NOTHING to do with the pullout in Iraq. He is following the procedure that Bush layed out. I will post up all of the information later.
Re: Iraq Pullout
Guys, we need to remember one thing. When he says "pulling out" that does NOT mean shit. I was there and was "pulled out" but replace with contractors last spring. We are pulling out military and replacing it with private contractors. Its all a big fucking lie. And yes its a bullshit political move that has the liberal media deep throating him again.