Insn't the place really over populated though?? In all honesty, I think something should be done here. Ever think about this...?
If you want to go to an animal shelter and adopt a dog, you have to be checked out and seen if you are fit to have a pet. 16 years old? Want a baby? No problem, just fuck and get pregnant. No questions asked. I think you should have to be qualified to have each kid. Just like buying a house or a car or anything else. You have to prove that you are financially secure and responsible enough to have a child. If you have been arrested 10 times this past year, no kid. If your home is disgusting, no kid. If everyone in your family is obese, no kid. You kid is a reflection of you 9 times out of 10 and the last thing we need is more fat, disgusting, lazy, irresponsible fucks overpopulating this country.