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    Thread: I Hate Fags

    1. #21
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      Quote Originally Posted by E-S ADMIN View Post
      I think that the half of all murders if it's a real factual number and not in inflated one means more likely their the victims of half of all murders, not the perpetrators.
      Now I don't condone or agree with bashing or hating an entire group of people... but imo experience I know a few people that are gay and their no where near hostile, or disrespectful. But i'm sure there's a few in that group who are. Every group regardless of race, origin or whatever have bad seeds in it. Hate those not the entirity.
      I agree. Good post, E-S ADMIN.

      I can honestly say that years of growing up and maturing have allowed me to understand people, not just any generalization of people, are. When I was younger, I remember my dad often protesting homosexuals and, of course, I believed what my parents believed. As time marched on and I began hating more different groups. Foreigners, for example and especially Africans, because the many that I met in college would use American women to marry in order to get their visas to continue attending college. But I learned as I matured that not all foreigners are like that. It pretty much took me to work with an African guy to learn this, same with homosexuals.

      Be it sexual orientation, political, religion, or anything in life, my greatest hate is for people who try to force others to believe or accept their ways of life. For example, in 1993 and in the midst of a great sitcom career, Amanda Bearse became the first woman in Hollywood to publicly admit to being gay. Despite coming out at that time, she never once suggested changing her character's sexual interest on the show, "Married With Children". Amanda played the part of Marcy Rhodes/Marcy Darcy, a sexually addicted neighbor of Al and Peg Bundy. After her public admission, the show continued to succeed.

      When Rosie O'Donnell publicly admitted her homosexuality (although society had its suspicions), instantly she began making changes on her talk show. It seems that once she made it public, her magazine failed and her show, although she had scheduled to end it, began losing ratings.

      Ellen Degenerate did the same thing. Once she made public that she was gay, she decided to change the character on her sitcom. Instantly, the ratings dropped and the sitcom failed. Sadly, they have made more attempts to give her another chance at sitcoms and talk shows but to no avail.

      Lastly, there's the reality show, "America's Next Top Model". On that show are two worldly known homosexuals that go by the names, "Mr. J" and "Miss J". Mr. J is a cool, down to Earth guy who makes the show interesting to watch. But Miss J goes all out of his way to as dress flamboyant as a high class female stripper and act a complete ass.

      & U-M

    2. #22
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      i must be in the minority here, but i thought it was, at least, slightly funny. statistics aside. i'm no hater, but are we really going to defend homosexuality? condone giving them group status, special rights and consideration because of their sexual orientation? support legislation of 'minority status' because they are gay? condone gay marriage?

      hate is cleverly disguised in the legislation. just the act of singling them out into a group is discriminatory. they deserve no more, no less rights than anyone else. we are all human and deserve the same rights. legislating for race, religeon, sex or sexual preference is just plain wrong. there should be no mention of race, religion, sex or sexual preference in law, period. what makes one human being any more deserving than another?

      let them do what they want to do, but don't give them benefits for being gay....or minority...or female...or anything else.

      lighten up people


    3. #23
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      Quote Originally Posted by chaos View Post
      i must be in the minority here, but i thought it was, at least, slightly funny. statistics aside. i'm no hater, but are we really going to defend homosexuality? condone giving them group status, special rights and consideration because of their sexual orientation? support legislation of 'minority status' because they are gay? condone gay marriage?
      To be honest with you chaos, alot has crossed my mind in the past 24 hours since I'd written my reply. As I see it, it doesn't really matter what we think or feel about homosexuality. Like it or not, society has not yet accepted it anymore than they accept an African-American president of the United States. Gays will have to accept the same rights as you and I have and like it. If they want "special rights", then every other minority group, especially the one that I belong to, will want their own too.

      As I mentioned in my earlier post, I've learned to accept homosexuality after working closely with them and even living near them. But this morning, I was watching a "Judge Mathis" rerun where a guy, with his gay lover at his side, was suing a friend of theirs. The friend made an accusation that he was only brought to a televised court only to force him to "come out of the closet" and embarrass him by allowing his friends and family to see it on TV. And ironically, a good friend of mine told me last night that my ex-girlfriend and I will end up together again and have one or two kids together. So I realized that such an issue, though I accept it, have never been introduced to me as a personal family issue. What if we had a child and he/she told us that they were gay? What if one of my nieces or nephews admit to being gay. Would I accept them? Most likely, I will. Would I accept they lifestyle? Well, that I couldn't or maybe didn't want to think about. I don't condone same sex marriage because the church does not acknowledge it as a real matrimonial contract. So I guess that makes me semi-prejudice like most people are about race. I can live in the same building with them and work with them, I just don't want them in my family. But I'm not exactly proud of that so hopefully, I'll mature out of that attitude also.

      One thing that I don't understand is the hypocrisies of most men. Think about it.....To visualize Rosie O'Donnell passionately kissing her girlfriend (a.k.a life partner) would probably turn our stomachs. Yet to see Madonna get on a nationally televised stage and kiss Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera made a shitload of teenage boys and horny ass men hoot and holler over it. When I used to listen to Howard Stern in the morning and he'd talk about two hot women kissing, I just never got the excitement over it. Sorry, but I'm not into gay porn.

      But to contradict our unacceptance of homosexuality.....Who here DID NOT see "Philadelphia" and not cried at the end?

      & U-M

    4. #24
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      Who are we to judge anyway...they are what they are, right? Damn...If I (were) gay or Bi, maybe I could handle this sex obsession of mine. My wife is telling me how sore she is and I have to cut it back from everyday!!! Shit...I beat off at least 2x a day!!! LMFAO!!!! If I were gay maybe some other dude would blow me 3 times a day! I know I would love to eat my wife's pussy all day everyday and would NEVER turn her down for a Blow job...

      Relax now....I'm no where near being gay!! My problem is that Im too picky with the quality of woman I like too. I think I need to check into SAA or something cuz I sure love (heterosexual) sex!

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      Quote Originally Posted by Kruzzer View Post
      Who are we to judge anyway...they are what they are, right? Damn...If I (were) gay or Bi, maybe I could handle this sex obsession of mine. My wife is telling me how sore she is and I have to cut it back from everyday!!! Shit...I beat off at least 2x a day!!! LMFAO!!!! If I were gay maybe some other dude would blow me 3 times a day! I know I would love to eat my wife's pussy all day everyday and would NEVER turn her down for a Blow job...

      Relax now....I'm no where near being gay!! My problem is that Im too picky with the quality of woman I like too. I think I need to check into SAA or something cuz I sure love (heterosexual) sex!

      & U-M

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      ROFL.. now thats funny...
      the way I see it is GOD made adam and eve, not adam and steve. Society is what tells us its ok to be gay. Not only is it not biblical but nor is it natural. I know alot of people believe they grew up liking the opposite sex, that may be the case. But people are born with all kinds of mental and physical disabilities and diseases. Look at alcoholism. Just because your born with a trait that makes you addicted to that doesn't mean its ok for you to become one..I'm mean two guys cant make a baby.. neither can two women.. hell, look at lions and tigers and bears oh my... they cant either.. GOD gave us sex for two reasons. Pro creation and pleasure between a man and a woman. Again, i dont dislike homosexuals, I know a few and they are very good people. I just dont condone what they choose to do.

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      I'm not a big fan of homosexuals. Am I homophobic? By definition I do not have a fear of queers, but if you are wondering if the thought of two men having sex makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit you are correct!

      I am a Christian and I am happy to share that news with you. So, I can't support homos. As far as calling them "gay" I really think that is more of a made up word to use as propoganda. I mean, if we called them "guys who put their weiners in other guys butts" would they sound so warm and fuzzy?

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      I have no issues with fags- in fact most of them seem to keep their homes in good shape, are not a threat to us and seem to stick to their own.. as long as they dont push it onto me- we are cool.

      Now what I fucking hate is FAT PEOPLE!!!

      Fattys are a huge drian to this country. In fact most fattys have or will have diabetes because of their condition. Fat people are useless, lazy and do nothing to fix their conditions. They collect Social Security early, most cannot work and therefore fall into welfare as a means to live. They cannot not serve this country in war, cannot help others, and cannot be beneficial employees. (most have health issues that follow them, which impact the employers insurance plans).

      What makes me even more pissed is we support fattys. These electric carts in the front of stores are for them. Scew that- make them walk the store- thats why they are fat in the first place... we allow them to live in a country where they are free to feed their fat faces but cannot protect it if it came down down to that. They get the "get out of work card" because they cant get their sloppy fat asses up out of bed.

      if i could say one thing to fatty's it would be from one of my favorite songs--

      "die motherfucker, die motherfucker, die......"
      RIP Dansteelman. Your always in our thoughts brotha.

    10. #30
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      "guys who put their weiners in other guys butts" would they sound so warm and fuzzy?

      hahaha thats hilarious bro.

      Gatechplyr, i think i've seen you go off on fat people before... thats too funny bro...

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