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    Thread: Let the REAL revolutionary power flow through our country

    1. #1
      FUZO's Avatar
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      Default Let the REAL revolutionary power flow through our country

      Let the REAL revolutionary power flow through our country

      By Laurie Roth

      It is the season to be thankful, start thinking of Christmas, and pray for our country.

      However, it is also the season to fight and battle like never before if we value freedom and a nation led by our Constitution and Judeo/Christian values.

      We are under attack for old, classic reasons, but with face-lifted techniques that always hide behind invented crisis, needs of the poor, working class issues, and international-environmental emergencies. Boring already. I'm yawning.

      Nowadays, the weapons of destruction come from the wonder boy in the White House, Obama, who is controlled by international powers representing the one- world government push and radical Islam. Yes, just as in the days of Nazi Germany and Adolph Hitler, who combined big government with his love for radical Islam, creating the right ingredients for a yummy "dictator soup," we see the same strange bedfellows working together today.

      The caliphate push of the Muslim Brotherhood and related Islamic radicals view the UN and environmental groups as useful idiots who also want worldwide control, submission, and redistribution of wealth. "Arab Spring" is one of the contemporary regime-change techniques. It combines the world's confused definition and easy manipulation of democracy with "oppressed" Islam. The goal is being achieved with total success so far throughout the Middle East. Tunisia is now more radical. Egypt is controlled by the radical Muslim Brotherhood, while hundreds of Christians are being murdered. Syria is unraveling, with soldiers rebelling and citizens being murdered, and Palestine is the usual ship of "victim" fools who attack Israel under the leadership of Iran. Then there is lovely Iran, bolting with all its arrogant strength to nuclear fulfillment and then "expression." The Madi can only wait so long to come out of the well you know.

      The mythology of focusing all the rage on Wall Street

      Isn't it interesting, along with the token needy people marching with the Occupy Wall Street tantrum throwers, they have been joined by Muslims across the country. Everyone has a beef now, especially Islamic people, unemployed people who hate capitalism, and leftist mobs from the Van Jones and Soros world who simply hate America and freedom.

      What do Obama, the UN, and other global elites want but one-world government, one-world currency, and an international, controlling court influenced by Sharia and anti-Semitism. Who do you think is in the dead center of the bulls-eye who must be subdued and controlled, but the United States of America.

      I have news for any global elite and Islamic fundamentalist groups who dare to dream America will be brought down. It won't happen. America will stand brighter and more powerful than before! Americans continue to wake up and notice the REAL evil and threats that attack on many fronts. Obama and progressive leftists are only the tip of the UN American iceberg. Environmental science distortions are quickly turning into high-level fraud to crush American energy, power plants, and the coal industry. It is just a hammer to continue the destruction of business, energy, and jobs. We see our vision is improving to 20-20 now.

      I have tracked these issues and attacks on my national radio show and articles for over 10 years now. Hopefully by now, we are all beginning to understand how threatened the Marxist/Communist leftists and international crowd are by America.

      How open are we?

      Are you and I planning to negotiate with Sharia law, submit to an international tax via the UN, and watch energy and power companies destroyed and Americans sold into slavery by this Obama regime? Are you ready to submit to the final rape of watching our very Constitution be ripped apart by submitting to anything like a forced Obama healthcare bill? NO, NO and NO!

      I refuse to scream "Freedom or death." Braveheart was a great movie, but our choice is much better. Let's scream together, "Freedom, America, and the Constitution, or get out."

      Join up and speak your mind at www.rothrevolution.ning.com. You can blog, chat, download your own page, and keep updated. Also, join me daily on my national radio show. You can listen online at: www.rothshow.com 3-6 pm PAC each day.

      © Laurie Roth

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      Default Re: Let the REAL revolutionary power flow through our country

      Ok, I like this post...but I have a couple of small issues here with the quotes below...

      "Obama and progressive leftists are only the tip of the UN American iceberg. Environmental science distortions are quickly turning into high-level fraud to crush American energy, power plants, and the coal industry. It is just a hammer to continue the destruction of business, energy, and jobs. We see our vision is improving to 20-20 now."

      Every president we have had has been owned by the UN since 1945 be they left or right; it's the biggest step yet towards one world government along with the transnational highway from mexico throughout US and into Canada. I have gone on about this for years; and now Mexican freight trucks don't even have to stop at checkpoints! The disappearance of borders. We were warned by this years in advance.

      "I refuse to scream "Freedom or death." Braveheart was a great movie, but our choice is much better. Let's scream together, "Freedom, America, and the Constitution, or get out."

      I'm not left, and I'm not right. I'm Libertarian. I have issues with Republican party AND Democratic party. I don't like Obama, any more than Bush. They are both a fucking joke to me. The reason the above quote gets under my skin is because this article is obviously endorsed by the Republican party. People can say what they want about the Left, but I will give the Left this much.......They don't steal people's rights and infringe on civil liberties, like the Right has been doing FOREVER.

      Once rights are taken away by a government, they are never given back.

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      Default Re: Let the REAL revolutionary power flow through our country

      i like the article. i say we need to clean house and get rid of every swinging dick and mary in the government and start over again. lets put some working class people up in there and make a real change

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