TweetTroll take Cialis for four hour erection!
Troll is the man come get some!
TweetTroll take Cialis for four hour erection!
Troll is the man come get some!
The Troll is a stupid idiot with nothing better to do but start trouble but don't be afraid to engage back with The Troll in a friendly manor.
The Troll is kept on a tight leash The Troll will be under supervision so he don't get himself into too much trouble.
The Troll eats his own shit!
TweetTroll,you need a PENIS to have an erection...c'mon,anatomy 101...!
"Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are."
TweetThat rope your swinging on is Troll's penis!
The Troll is a stupid idiot with nothing better to do but start trouble but don't be afraid to engage back with The Troll in a friendly manor.
The Troll is kept on a tight leash The Troll will be under supervision so he don't get himself into too much trouble.
The Troll eats his own shit!
TweetRocco you going to take that shit from Troll?
TweetI can have an erection that lasts for 4 hours without cialis, but I would rather take some to make sure it gets extra hard so it gets longer lol!
TweetTroll have big erection!
The Troll is a stupid idiot with nothing better to do but start trouble but don't be afraid to engage back with The Troll in a friendly manor.
The Troll is kept on a tight leash The Troll will be under supervision so he don't get himself into too much trouble.
The Troll eats his own shit!
Tweettroll knows the truth.the rope i'm hanging from is actually one of his hemmaroids,not his weenis.trolls butt hole looks like two uncooked chicken cutlets....
"Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are."
TweetLMAO!!! I think we need an official Troll vs rocco-x thread!
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