Yeah 20 years of NSAID abuse could definitely do it... I believe. I'm no nephrologist.

That absolutely blows my mind that the docs told him that. But then if it was twenty years ago... maybe they didn't know. As far as I understand it NSAIDs constrict the afferent renal artery and thereby decrease glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Over time this could not only lead to a buildup in creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (the byproduct of protein metabolism) but a permanent reduction in GFR. I'm not positive on that but from memory... that's what I got.

As far as a lawsuit goes? Who knows, could he really prove that they said that? At the time they said it was there research showing that NSAIDs (when abused) could cause kidney damage? If this thing is going to kill him... or significantly shorten his life, and he has a good case it might be worth it so he has some money to leave to his family. But you also have to consider that he would be dealing with lawyers. It's been my experience that lawyers that are "on your side" screw you as hard as the ones that are against you.

Sorry for the ramble. Just my thoughts.