
thanks for the referral suggestion!

I'll relay the information to him, although money is tight (no insurance either) and most specialists charge an arm and a leg (or a kidney lol) for their services.

As far as too much protein and family history, the answer is a big NO. He was only getting maybe 100g per day in protein from the regular foods he eats (meat, chicken, ham, occasional chinese food) and only took an extra 50g of whey protein on workout days (maybe 3x per week).


Now the family Dr. wants him to wait 4 mos to recheck his kidney values and do another full chem panel. I guess it takes a while for things to turn around.

Unfortunately since his LH and FSH is nonexistent and his testosterone values are in the toilet, he doesnt feel like a normal man anymore. He understands he has to stay off the juice, plus DHEA, Andro, and/or any other testosterone precursors, but for 4 mos!? I would think he'd want another blood test soon, so the Dr or somebody else could prescribe clomid, hcg, or whatever other product is the "new thing" to raise an aging man's testosterone levels without actually taking testosterone.

Any ideas or suggestions?


Quote Originally Posted by muscledoc1 View Post
One of the biggest problems that DESTROY our kidneys is over consumption of certain foods(mainly eating too much protei)-some people are more sensitive and therefore their kidneys wont do a good job over time,does he has any history of kidney disease in the family?(thats a big factor also)...

i would see a GOOD nephrologist to get an opinion better than a family or an internal medicine doctor.
As far as drugs that affect the kidney negative(all the known AAS)-some are a worse some are not(Halotestin is a good example...)-they all do the same negative effect...
bottom line,tell him to look for a good nephrologist. GOOD LUCK.