Everyone there was in on the joke except for her. Michael Dippolito was safe and sound at police headquarters and the alleged “hit-man” was actually an undercover cop. Investigators have released more than 10 hours of undercover video, wiretaps and hundreds of documents in the case. Dalia Dippolito was also allegedly caught on surveillance video putting the plan in motion inside the “hit-man’s” car, handing over photos of her husband, his daily schedule, $1,200 to buy a gun and directions to their home. She says she “5,000 percent sure” she wants him dead.
And in a stunning twist, we learn it’s not the first time she allegedly tried to take out her husband. Police records reveal shortly after their February nuptials, she cruises Riviera Beach for potential hit-men and when that doesn’t work she allegedly tries to poison Michael Dippolito’s tea with antifreeze. This on top of allegedly trying to set up her husband on fake drug busts.
Her alleged motive? To keep control of the $242,000 town home she convinced hubby to put solely in her name and to keep more than $200,000 cash she also convinced him to give her. The videos, including the moment she comes face to face with the husband she just tried to have killed, are unbelievable!